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Keanu C edited this page Dec 11, 2019 · 9 revisions


The aircraft primary target is represented by a yellow polygon, followed by a history trail of those polygons in different shades of blue, by default. This can be changed by editing the targets section in the vSMR settings file.

Aircraft with their transponder off (standby) are surrounded by a white circle, while aircraft with their transponder on are surrounded by a big white diamond.


Arrival, departure and airborne aircraft have different tags.

Departure tags are blue by default, arrival tags are red by default and airborne tags are transparent by default.

The content and colouring of all of the tag types can be customized by editing the relevant section of the labels settings group in the vSMR settings file.

A list of all available tags to use in the vSMR settings file is as follows: (! means only available in nightly build)

  • callsign - displays callsign & communication type
  • groundstatus - displays status of aircraft (e.g. PUSH, TAXI, DEPA)
  • actype - displays aircraft type
  • sctype - displays aircraft type & overrides with squawk error
  • sqerror - displays if there is a squawk error, otherwise empty
  • deprwy - displays departure runway
  • seprwy - displays departure runway & overrides with speed if it is over 25 knots
  • ! arvrwy - displays arrival runway
  • ! srvrwy - displays speed & overrides with
  • ! origin - displays ICAO origin aerodrome
  • ! dest - displays ICAO destination aerodrome
  • gate - displays assigned gate from scratchpad or speed column
  • sate - displays assigned gate from scratchpad or speed column & overrides with speed if it is over 25 knots
  • flightlevel - displays flightlevel/pressure altitude
  • gs - displays ground speed
  • tendency - displays climbing/descending symbol
  • wake - displays wake turbulence category
  • ssr - displays the current squawk
  • asid - displays the assigned SID
  • ssid - displays abbreviated version of SID

1. Departure tags

By default departure tags have the following format:

  • Callsign: Right-click brings up the handoff menu.
  • Destination/Aircraft type/SID: Right-click brings up the FP box.
  • Ground status: Right-click brings up the ground status menu.
  • Assigned departure runway: Opens the assigned runway list.

2. Arrival tags

By default arrival tags have the following format:

  • Callsign: Right-click brings up the handoff menu.
  • Speed -> arrival runway: Right-click brings up the runway assignment dialog.
  • Gate: Right-click brings up the scratch pad edit dialog box (the gate is stored in the scratchpad).
  • A/C type: Right-click brings up the FP dialog box.

3. Airborne tags

By default arrival tags have the following format:

  • Callsign: Right-click brings up the handoff menu.
  • Departure: Right-click brings up the FP dialog box.
  • Ground Speed.
  • Tendency.
  • Altitude/Flightlevel.
  • Aircraft type/Destination: Right-click brings up the FP dialog box.

Please note that the boundary box for the tag items may not actually lie on the tag item itself - see this issue.