This directory contains a FFT-PEEC code for electromagnetic problems
This code has been inspired by VoxHenry
FFT_PEEC_COND.m is the main file you must run to start the code.
All user-settable quantities, e.g. frequency, are contained in the block identified by the BEGIN USER SETTINGS / END USER SETTINGS comments.
Some simple test cases are contained in separate directories under "data". Set the "name_dir" variable in "FFT_PEEC_COND.m" to the appropriate directory.
Follow the instuctions given in "README.txt" inside the "data" directory.
The impedance value is shown in the Command Window. In the "res_para" directory, the results generated by "FFT_PEEC_COND.m" are exported in Paraview format.
If you use FFT-PEEC, please consider citing:
and FFT-PEEC itself
[4] R. Torchio, F. Lucchini, "FFT-PEEC toolbox",
For any questions or need help to solve your problem, please contact us
Riccardo Torchio ([email protected])
Francesco Lucchini ([email protected])