Augmented Reality Tetris made with ARKit and SceneKit.
Click on the image below and check out the app demo:
- ViewController
- Initialize and configure ARKit
- Detect horizontal plane and initialize Tetris game engine on this plane
- Add gesture recognizers and process gestures
- Tetromino: describe all tetrominos and their rotations
- TetrisConfig: width and height of the well
- TetrisState: tetris game state - current tetromino and its position in the well
- TetrisWell: well model describing filled cells
- TetrisEngine: tetris game engine
- Start game loop
- Handle gestures and change game state
- Handle animation: stop game loop, execute animation, start game loop
- TetrisScene
This project is maintained by exyte. We design and build mobile and VR/AR applications.
ARTetris is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.