I'm about to remove ags as my shell for minimalism reason. I'll instead it with waybar, rofi, dunst, etc.
These things are easier to maintain, more functional, and easier to configure with nixos. By easier to configure I mainly mean easier to work with stylix
The progress is here, more information will be added when this branch is merged.
The old Arch config at Arch branch.
For a lone time I'm seeking for a solution to manage my OS config, The Arch branch is a way that I manage my home config, but that's not enough, NixOS provided capability to manage system wide config, or even more, with Flake I can manage configuration of multiple system.
Repo's structure base on nix-starter-config#standard
- Editor: a well configured nvim (tested startup time are less than 30ms) that follows the KISS principle, you can try it with my single nvim configuration repo wenvim
- Compositor: Hyprland
- Shell: ags
- Terminal emulator: foot
- Wallpaper: hyprpaper and some small script, random choose a pic to switch to it, and fetchBing for download daliy bingwallpaper and switch to immediately.
The ags config base on Aylur/dotfiles, with these different:
- Add hibernate button for powermenu, need to setup swap to make it work.
- Use hyprlock instead of lockscreen.js (more security, see this issue)
- Add a clipboard menu depends on cliphist, to trigger it, type
when launcher active - Ocr for screenshot powered by tesseract
- Some bug fix for chinese font and more
- Remove favorite list on launcher, instead with whole applications list.
- Add scroll bar for all launcher.
- Some fix for 4k screen display.
- The clipboard menu item will be truncated if your cliphist item has new line character,
this mean's that any item after this specific item will be disappear in clipboard menu,
but don't worry, the data still there, you can find that specific item via lookup the
cliphist list
output and find the specific item id then delete it viaecho "<specific item id>" | cliphist delete
, then restart ags. This is a known issue that related to ags, it will truncated program output if it encountered a new line character, but I'm not sure whether it's ags problem or GTK api problem currently. I'll fix it by commit some PR to upstream if I got some free time. - At this point, the ags config is only compatible with ags v1, I'll move to ags v2 at future.
Almost as same as Aylur/dotfiles (except asusctl) with these additional pkg:
- cliphist
- tesseract
- jq
You can not use this repo directly for I'm using sops-nix to manage my secrets in some modules, you won't pass the compile. Even you remove all the modules that using sops secrets, the other parts still has many custom settings that may not suitable for you machine, use it directly maybe damage your system. Please always check the code before you use it.
For NixOS users:
Replace hardware-configuration.nix with your own, and change the username variable, you may also need remove this line and other module that using sops secrets. from nixos hardware or replace it with your hardware model. Then execute in local repo path:
$ sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake .#nixos
$ home-manager switch --flake .#wenjin@nixos
Also you may need to unset some substituters if download speed to slow.
For other distributions, things under xdg could directly put on xdg base dir (e.g. you should put the file under xdg/config