Proxmox VE automatic snapshot tool
More information about eve4pve-autosnap
More information about Qemu guest agent
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EnterpriseVE automatic snapshot for Proxmox VE (Made in Italy)
eve4pve-autosnap <COMMAND> [ARGS] [OPTIONS]
eve4pve-autosnap help
eve4pve-autosnap version
eve4pve-autosnap create --vmid=<string> --label=<string> --keep=<integer>
--vmstate --script=<string> --syslog
eve4pve-autosnap destroy --vmid=<string> --label=<string>
eve4pve-autosnap enable --vmid=<string> --label=<string>
eve4pve-autosnap disable --vmid=<string> --label=<string>
eve4pve-autosnap status
eve4pve-autosnap clean --vmid=<string> --label=<string> --keep=<integer>
eve4pve-autosnap snap --vmid=<string> --label=<string> --keep=<integer>
--vmstate --script=<string> --syslog
version Show version program.
help Show help program.
create Create snap job from scheduler.
destroy Remove snap job from scheduler.
enable Enable snap job from scheduler.
disable Disable snap job from scheduler.
status Get list of all auto snapshots.
clean Remove all auto snapshots.
snap Will snap one time.
--vmid=string The ID of the VM/CT, comma separated (es. 100,101,102),
'all' for all VM/CT in node.
--vmstate Save the vmstate only qemu.
--label=string Is usually 'hourly', 'daily', 'weekly', or 'monthly'.
--keep=integer Specify the number of snapshots which should will keep. Default 1.
--script=string Use specified hook script.
Es. /usr/share/doc/eve4pve-autosnap/examples/
--syslog Write messages into the system log.
Report bugs to <[email protected]>.
Automatic snapshot for Proxmox VE with retention.
- For KVM and LXC
- Work forn single node or cluster
- Cluster cron in /etc/pve/eve/autosnap/autosnap.cron unique for all
- Can keep multiple snapshots
- Syslog integration
- Clean all snapshots
- Multiple schedule VM using --label (es. daily,monthly)
- Hook script
- Multiple VM (100,102 or all) single execution
The vm run in same machine on Proxmox VE.
Download package eve4pve-autosnap_?.?.?-?_all.deb, on your Proxmox VE host and install:
dpkg -i eve4pve-autosnap_?.?.?-?_all.deb
This tool need basically no configuration.
root@pve1:~# eve4pve-autosnap snap --vmid=111 --label='daily' --keep=2
This command snap VM 111. The --keep tells that it should be kept 2 snapshots, if there are more than 2 snapshots, the 3 one will be erased (sorted by creation time).
root@pve1:~# eve4pve-autosnap create --vmid=111 --label='daily' --keep=5
root@pve1:~# eve4pve-autosnap destroy --vmid=111 --label='daily' --keep=5
root@pve1:~# eve4pve-autosnap disable --vmid=111 --label='daily' --keep=5
root@pve1:~# eve4pve-autosnap enable --vmid=111 --label='daily' --keep=5
root@pve1:~# eve4pve-autosnap status
101 17-01-14 17:30:56 hourly
102 17-01-14 17:30:56 hourly
105 17-01-14 17:30:56 hourly
111 17-01-14 17:30:56 hourly
You can edit the configuration in /etc/pve/eve/autosnap/eve4pve-autosnap.cron or destroy the job and create it new.