This is a simple code coverage script. This can be especially useful in Lua since many errors are not found until the code executes. This implementation was written to gather stats in an embedded system so I purposely wrote the code with the smallest number of dependencies and as a single file for simple portability.
You can run this script by adding the necessary function calls to start and stop, OR you can execute this script and pass in the script to code coverage as an argument.
This script will take the actual execution and determine the overall coverage. This script will better determine the actual coverage based on what Lua told us. For example, Lua will indicate a "repeat" statement is called by indicating the "until" line that the loop was executed, not the starting "repeat". Multiline comments and stings are similar. Require statements don't show any execution, etc. This script cleans all this up (and more) to show better and more accurate coverage stats.
By default the coverage file stats are stored in /tmp/origFilename.lcno and the coverage results are generated/saved to /tmp/origFilename where lines are commented out with:
---- | for lines that are commented or are all whitespace
--XX | for lines that Lua identified as executed.
--xx | for lines that were determined executed by lcov (multiline, etc)
Each results file will contain stats at the end of the file with: total comment/ whitespace lines, total lines, total possible to execute, lines executed, percentage of lines executed, etc.
- lfs -- required for final results file generation, but not the stats gathering
- bit -- optional, gives better memory usage, BUT is not required
local lcov = require "lcov"
lcov.setResultsDir( "/fs/mmc0/" ) -- default is "/tmp/"
lcov.start() -- start coverage
... -- execute something
lcov.stop() -- stop coverage
lcov.generateResults() -- generate results files
-- can optionally pass in true to have the
results go to the console.
append new results to exiting .lcno file. By default this is off and existing files are truncated. If an error occurs a new file is created. (-exe, n/a for -gen) (--cfg file option (boolean) bAppend)
dump generated results (-gen output) to console (--cfg file option (boolean) bCon)
Loads a Lua module/config file to define fileFilters or override most command line settings. Command line options after this declaration will override the cfg file settings. Command line options prior to this declaration will be overriden by the cfg file options. This also has the addeed benefit of being able to execute code early if needed (clear files, etc)
array of strings which are each file to track for coverage. Use the shortcut "exe" to specify the "--exe" filename. If the shortcut "exe" does not exist the "--exe" file is not covered (i.e. only other files covered). This is overriden with the --doall option.
(boolean) true means fileFilter contains full paths for each file false means only the filename is used for the fileFilter. (default is false)
debug output when using -gen (--cfg file option (boolean) bDbg)
path to store the coverage results (-exe, n/a for -gen) (--cfg file option (string) sDir)
if set, performs coverage on ALL executed files. [covers "require" files, off by default]. This overrides --cfg.fileFilter option. (--cfg file option (boolean) bDoAll)
if "-dir" is not used the -f is not needed. Also, all params after the "file" are treated as arguments to the file to execute. Therefore, this must be the last arguments on the command line. (--cfg file option (string) bExe -- path/filename, (table) tArgs -- list of arguments)
generate the results file to the path and use the lcno coverage file(s) in path (-dir). If -gen and -exe are specified AND NOT -doall then only a single files .lcno is processed NOT all in the target directory. (--cfg file option (boolean) bGen)
Will list all dependencies (files seen) but only when used with --exe. This option can be useful in setting up the fileFilter. (--cfg file option (boolean) bListDeps)
lua lcov.lua somethingToExec.lua arg1 arg2
(This passes arg1, arg2 to somethingToExec.lua as arguments. NOTE: only generates the coverage stats in .lcno)
lua lcov.lua -dir /fs/usb0 -exe somethingToExec.lua arg1 arg2
(Same as previous except store stats to /fs/usb0. NOTE: only generates the coverage stats in .lcno)
lua lcov.lua -dir /fs/usb0 -gen -exe somethingToExec.lua arg1 arg2
(Same as previous except after running it will generate the results files)
lua lcov.lua -gen -dbg -exe .\lcov_test.lua
(Test example)
lua lcov.lua -gen
(Will take existing stats from /tmp/*.lcno and generate result files)
There is a special markup language you can add to the code to improve then results of lcov. This section describes the special code/format.
On a line of code you can add --> lcov: [CMD][PARAMS]
for special processing.
NOTE: You can has any amount of whitespace after "-->" and after "lcov:".
There should be no whitespace between [CMD] and [PARAMS]. Any whitespace
after [PARAMS] will terminate the [PARAMS].
This is used to refer (or set a reference) to another line that you know lcov will catch as executed. This is useful when you know lcov will not catch this line, BUT it will catch the execution of a different line. The [PARAMS] portion is an offset +/-/= the current line number. The "=" can be useful for global variable/references definitions that are not caught.
local var --> lcov: ref+1
var = {}
In this example, "var={}" is marked executed from Lua, but "local var" is not. The reference comment will show "local var" as executed. For example,
--xx| local var --> lcov: ref+1
--XX| var = {}
You can also have: local var --> lcov: ref+1 -- can have comment here
or: local var -- can have comment here --> lcov: ref+1
You can use the "ref" syntax an build on that the ability to assign a reference line to complete block. Use the original syntax for the start of the block then add ",start" (no spaces). To end the block use "ref=end". These assignments can be in a tailing comment or as a standalone comment.
--> lcov: ref=1,start
local VAR1
local VAR2, VAR3, VAR4
local VAR5
--> lcov: ref=end
----| --> lcov: ref=1,start
--XX| local VAR1
--xx| local VAR2, VAR3, VAR4
--xx| local VAR5
----| --> lcov: ref=end
This is used to ignore a block of lines. If the line within this block has not executed it will be marked as "--xx". The params are "=start"/"=end". For example,
--> lcov: ignore=start
local VAR1
local VAR2, VAR3, VAR4
local VAR5
--> lcov: ignore=end
NOTE: This can be on the start of a line.
----| --> lcov: ignore=start
--XX| local VAR1
--xx| local VAR2, VAR3, VAR4
--xx| local VAR5
----| --> lcov: ignore=end
- Currently only tested in Lua 5.1.4 and Lua 5.2.1
- The following syntax is not handled properly:
| local execLines2
--XX| =
--XX| {
--XX| "something"
--XX| }
PROCESSING: /tmp/fileUtils.lua.lcno
origFilename /usr/share/lua/5.1/fileUtils.lua
destFilename /tmp/fileUtils.lua
Total Lines : 1096
Comments/Whitespace Lines : 675
Total Possible Exec Lines : 421
Coverage (lines) : 323 (Lua: 248 + lcov: 75)
Coverage (percentage) : 76.722090%
Code Percentage in File : 38.412409%
Non-Code Percentage in File : 61.587591%
Results Generated from lcov.lua v2.6 on Fri Feb 22 13:24:50 2013
PROCESSING: /tmp/pluginUtils.lua.lcno
origFilename /usr/share/lua/5.1/pluginUtils.lua
destFilename /tmp/pluginUtils.lua
Total Lines : 1748
Comments/Whitespace Lines : 1041
Total Possible Exec Lines : 707
Coverage (lines) : 379 (Lua: 276 + lcov: 103)
Coverage (percentage) : 53.606789%
Code Percentage in File : 40.446224%
Non-Code Percentage in File : 59.553776%
Results Generated from lcov.lua v2.6 on Fri Feb 22 13:24:51 2013
PROCESSING: /tmp/otherUtils.lua.lcno
origFilename /usr/share/lua/5.1/otherUtils.lua
destFilename /tmp/otherUtils.lua
Total Lines : 2205
Comments/Whitespace Lines : 1219
Total Possible Exec Lines : 986
Coverage (lines) : 499 (Lua: 383 + lcov: 116)
Coverage (percentage) : 50.608519%
Code Percentage in File : 44.716553%
Non-Code Percentage in File : 55.283447%
Results Generated from lcov.lua v2.6 on Fri Feb 22 13:24:51 2013
PROCESSING: /tmp/fileMgr.lua.lcno
origFilename ../src/fileMgr.lua
destFilename /tmp/fileMgr.lua
Total Lines : 6421
Comments/Whitespace Lines : 3117
Total Possible Exec Lines : 3304
Coverage (lines) : 3082 (Lua: 1659 + lcov: 1423)
Coverage (percentage) : 93.280872%
Code Percentage in File : 51.456159%
Non-Code Percentage in File : 48.543841%
Results Generated from lcov.lua v2.6 on Fri Feb 22 13:24:52 2013
SUMMARY TotalLines Commented Code Executed Coverage
/tmp/fileUtils.lua.lcno 1096 675 421 323 76.722090
/tmp/fileMgr.lua.lcno 6421 3117 3304 3082 93.280872
/tmp/pluginUtils.lua.lcno 1748 1041 707 379 53.606789
/tmp/otherUtils.lua.lcno 2205 1219 986 499 50.608519