This work is based off of ResNetImageNet.jl created by Dhairya L Gandhi. For the original project, see
Start Julia with the environment of the package activated. This is currently necessary. Start julia with more threads than available. Finally, set up the environment via ] instantiate
There is a Data.toml
in the repo which has a few example Datasets. The package uses the "automap_cyclops"
data set by default. Make sure to update the path to where in the system the a dataset is available.
julia> using Automap, Flux, Metalhead, DataSets, CUDA, Optimisers, HDF5, FFTW, Images
julia> function Automap(patch_size,dropout)
m = Chain(
Flux.Dense((patch_size).^2*2, (patch_size).^2, tanh),
Flux.Dense((patch_size).^2, (patch_size).^2, tanh),
x -> reshape(x, (patch_size,patch_size,1,:)),
Flux.Conv((5,5), 1 => patch_size, relu; stride = 1, pad = 2),
Flux.Conv((5,5), patch_size => patch_size, relu; stride = 1, pad = 2),
Flux.ConvTranspose((7,7), patch_size => 1; stride = 1, pad = 3),
return m
julia> model = Automap(64,0.004);
julia> key = open(BlobTree, DataSets.dataset("automap_cyclops")) do data_tree
Automap.train_solutions(data_tree, path"train_data_key.csv")
julia> val = open(BlobTree, DataSets.dataset("automap_cyclops")) do data_tree
Automap.train_solutions(data_tree, path"val_data_key.csv")
julia> opt = Optimisers.RMSProp(2e-6,0.6)
Optimisers.RMSProp{Float64}(2.0e-6, 0.6, 2.220446049250313e-16)
julia> setup, buffer = prepare_training(model, key,
opt, # optimizer
3, # batchsize per GPU
epochs = 2);
julia> loss = Flux.Losses.mse
mse (generic function with 1 method)
julia> Automap.train(loss, setup, buffer, opt,
val = val,
sched = identity);
Here model
is specifically referring to Automap but can be subsituted for others, key
describes a table of data and how it may be accessed. This table was generated for the NYU FASTMRI single knee dataset. See test_fun.jl
for the functions used to generate these key
s. It is important to note that the structure of the dataset is such that each .h5
file contains an random number of complex images (i.e. file_001.h5 may contain 200 images and file_012.h5 may contain 10). The code iterates though each image in a given data file and resizes them to 64x64 to ensure they fit in memory. The resulting data will look somehting like file_001.h5 -> 64x64x200 and file_012.h5 -> 64x64x10.
Look at train_solutions
which would allow access to the training validation and test sets.
is a typical loss function used to train a large neural network.