Authenticated and encrypted API tokens using modern crypto.
Branca is a secure easy to use token format which makes it hard to shoot yourself in the foot. It uses IETF XChaCha20-Poly1305 AEAD symmetric encryption to create encrypted and tamperproof tokens. Payload itself is an arbitrary sequence of bytes. You can use for example a JSON object, plain text string or even binary data serialized by MessagePack or Protocol Buffers.
It is possible to use Branca as an alternative to JWT.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile, Note that you also must have libsodium installed.
gem 'branca-ruby', '~> 1.0.3'
You must be configure secret_key
and ttl
using this.
require 'branca'
Branca.configure do |config|
config.secret_key = 'supersecretkeyyoushouldnotcommit'.b
config.ttl = 86_400 # in seconds
The payload of the token can be anything, like a simple string.
Branca.encode('with string')
# 1y48BiLKOcB4N8xjazwFpas3DwOovXzu6vtbiUr4bDAGLaVyFjIN5Xwz5p3qvNYsi5kWjk7ilgnS
or JSON stringified
Branca.encode(JSON.generate({ permissions: [] }))
# ATkzLjriA1ijbBcuZOJ1zMR0z5oVXDGDVjUWwrqJWszynAM4GLGiTwZnC6nUvtVIuavAVCMbwcsYqlYKejOI4
You can also pass secret_key
in runtime
specific_secret_key = SecureRandom.bytes(32)
payload = "sensitive data"
token = Branca.encode(payload, secret_key: specific_secret_key)
Will generate a token using secret_key
in runtime instead global secret_key
So, you can also pass timestamp
to encode.
Branca.encode('with string',
# 1y48BiV0jaalTYiARPdbm52IKgGEhfwq8DlP9ulKBx8LMLFrjNKe88vIGIUxsWzybIwBhmVvIam5
If you branca token isnt expired. You will receive something like this
decode = Branca.decode('1y48BiV0jaalTYiARPdbm52IKgGEhfwq8DlP9ulKBx8LMLFrjNKe88vIGIUxsWzybIwBhmVvIam5')
# <Branca::Decoder:0x00007fde4e3e6398 @message="with string", @timestamp=2020-10-27 03:44:03 UTC>
# "with string"
You can also pass secret_key
or ttl
in runtime. For example:
specific_secret_key = SecureRandom.bytes(32)
tmp_token = "1y48BiV0jaalTYiARPdbm52IKgGEhfwq8DlP9ulKBx8LMLFrjNKe88vIGIUxsWzybIwBhmVvIam5"
token = Branca.decode(tmp_token, secret_key: specific_secret_key, ttl: 30)
Will decode token OR throw exception DecodeError
Token is expired, you will receive exception Branca::ExpiredTokenError
Invalid Version, you will receive exception Branca::VersionError
When handle error, you will receive exception Branca::DecodeError
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