Simulator of sea plastic polution, based on the Princeton Ocean Model (POM), ERSEM, and a langrangian particles description of micro and macroplastics. The model is is set up for the Mediterranean sea, but can be adopted for other regions.
The simulator uses netcdf libraries and the ifort compiler, and normally runs on Intel CPUs. You can use the following commands to install dependencies and the simulator.
#install make:
sudo apt install make
#install netcdf libraries:
sudo apt-get install netcdf-bin
sudo apt-get install libnetcdf-dev libnetcdff-dev
nc-config --all
#install ifort (see Intel ifort homepage, change filenames accordingly):
sudo sh
sudo sh
sudo sh ./
sudo sh ./
#change oneapi variables to reflect architecture:
source /opt/intel/oneapi/ intel64
sudo apt install build-essential
#(optional) install GrADS visualiser:
sudo apt install grads
#download and compile Plastic_Poseidon:
git clone
cd Plastic_Poseidon/scripts/
See also General
cd Plastic_Poseidon/scripts/
We use FORD for documentation. Please install FORD and generate the documentation using the commands:
pip install ford
cd Plastic_Poseidon/scripts/
George Triantafyllou, Kostas Tsiaras, Annika Polani, Ioannis Tamvakis, others (HCMR).
This project should only be used with the consent of George Triantafyllou and Kostas Tsiaras (HCMR).
Please see the scripts mentioned before to get an idea of how the simulator is compiled and run.
The main script is where we have nested loops to run the simulation for every day of every month of every year. It then calls, in this particular version of the simulator, the (hydrodynamic and ibm model) for every simulated day. Stores results in datefolders in data/. Specify start/end date and directory to save output (rundir)
In then, if the file stop_run has 1 in it, will load atmospheric fields using ./pre_meteo_posII, compiled using
ifort -o pre_meteo_posII pre_meteo_posII.f90
backup restart files, prepare atmos netcdf ./bin/prepare_netcdfPOMatmos>../data/outmeteo, run hydrodynamics write hydro out
In you specify whether you want a 10-day, monthly etc average this runs an executable (e.g. make_hydav) that is created in prepare/ (see prepare/ifc_comp)
To see the netcdf files use the command (example):
ncdump -h in/
TODO: All .h files are normally linked from src*/area/ directories, to be used accordingly for the compilation of codes in other directories, for example prepN*/. This is destroyed by the copying of the files from the cluster. I need to fix this so that we dont have too many of the same file. Also, all files that are used by "include" statements do not exist in the same folder so FORD documenter does not parse the *90 files correctly.
prepare netCDF files to be used by parallel code.
For compilation execute:
cd prepNetcdfplastic/
a) Pre-processing
prepare_netcdfPOMibmplastic.f90 -> prepare initial plastics distribution(uniform), reads data/INITnew.DAT binary (model grid)
Then copy the resulting in directory in/.
b) Runtime
prepare_netcdfPOMatmos.f90 -> this reads data/FIELDS.INPUT that is created (each day) by pre_meteo_posII.f90 (see scripts/run_med_) and creates the netcdf file
prepare_netcdfPOMwave.f90 -> reads wave output and creates the netcdf file
write_netcdfPOMhydro.f90 -> reads model output from out/ and write daily binary files and BCs for nested domains that are stored in rundir (specified in runscript)
write_netcdfPOMibmplastic.f90 -> reads model output from out/ and write daily binary files (FISH*) that are stored in rundir/FISHOUT/
Parallel domain-decomposition code
The main idea for domain-decomposition is to use netcdf for all input files(forcing, initial conditions etc) so that each CPU can read its own domain. During runtime there is exchange of information at the boundaries of the neiboughring (overlapping) domains e.g if domain1 extends from i=1-11 and domain2 from i=10-20 of the (global) model grid, then the solution at i=10 is obtained from domain1 and the solution at i=11 from domain2. Thus, for some calculated array in the two domains (X1, X2) (both having i=1-11 points on their local grid) we have X2(1)=X1(10) & X1(11)=X2(2) (see code in pom/parallel_mpi.f)
To get identical results between the parallel and sequential codes one has to exchange all necessary arrays at the boundaries of domains.
Steps to configure/run the model:
Prepare necessary files in netcdf (model grid, ecology initial conditions, hydrodynamic fields etc)
see prepNetcdf/README (you also need to create some symbolic links of executables in the "running directory) -
Specify the number of domains/cpus in srcpom_MPI*/pom.h
e.g if The global domain is
$ im_global=872 ,
$ jm_global=317 ,
$ kb=25 ,
You specify the part of the grid each cpu calculates, i.e. you calculate im_local,jm_local
To do this you take (im_global-2,jm_global-2) and divide by a number (n_procX, n_procY) that gives an integer
$ im_local=292 ,
$ jm_local=65 ,
$ n_proc=15 )
For a different application of the code (e.g different domain etc) main changes are found in
srcpom_MPI*/area/med20/*.h. The rest of the code can be more or less the same.
3)Compile the code (see scripts/
a) hydrodynamics (please provide your own, or contact us for this part of the codebase)
cd srcpom_MPIeco
make -f Makefile_eco
This will create executable bin/pom.exe
b) ibm (in this case a chunk of the total number of SIs (lagrangian particles) is assigned to the specified #CPUs
cd srcpom_MPIplastic/ibm/
make -f Makefile_medplastic clean
make -f Makefile_medplastic
(when you change the number of domains you need to recompile in srcpom_MPIibm*/ibm/)
cd ..
make -f Makefile\_eco clean
make -f Makefile_eco
cd ..
This will create executable bin/pomibm.exe
program main: srcpom_MPIplastic/pom/pom.f90 (calls initialize.F90 & advance.F90)
Plastics main code: srcpom_MPIplastic/ibm/lagr_move.F90 Uses routines IBM*.F90 (convert coordinates, beaching, interpolation etc)
The plastics model runs along-side a hydrodynamic model (srcpom_MPIhydro) providing daily (every 3-hour) fields (velocity, vertical/horizontal diffusion etc).