This is a full implementation of RFC 9535
It is build to be wasm compatible. A playground application is available at
Everything within RFC9535 is in scope. Grammars outside RFC 9535 are not in scope.
This application is included in the speakeasy CLI, but is also available as a standalone library.
jsonpath-query = root-identifier segments
segments = *(S segment)
B = %x20 / ; Space
%x09 / ; Horizontal tab
%x0A / ; Line feed or New line
%x0D ; Carriage return
S = *B ; optional blank space
root-identifier = "$"
selector = name-selector /
wildcard-selector /
slice-selector /
index-selector /
name-selector = string-literal
string-literal = %x22 *double-quoted %x22 / ; "string"
%x27 *single-quoted %x27 ; 'string'
double-quoted = unescaped /
%x27 / ; '
ESC %x22 / ; \"
ESC escapable
single-quoted = unescaped /
%x22 / ; "
ESC %x27 / ; \'
ESC escapable
ESC = %x5C ; \ backslash
unescaped = %x20-21 / ; see RFC 8259
; omit 0x22 "
%x23-26 /
; omit 0x27 '
%x28-5B /
; omit 0x5C \
%x5D-D7FF /
; skip surrogate code points
escapable = %x62 / ; b BS backspace U+0008
%x66 / ; f FF form feed U+000C
%x6E / ; n LF line feed U+000A
%x72 / ; r CR carriage return U+000D
%x74 / ; t HT horizontal tab U+0009
"/" / ; / slash (solidus) U+002F
"\" / ; \ backslash (reverse solidus) U+005C
(%x75 hexchar) ; uXXXX U+XXXX
hexchar = non-surrogate /
(high-surrogate "\" %x75 low-surrogate)
non-surrogate = ((DIGIT / "A"/"B"/"C" / "E"/"F") 3HEXDIG) /
("D" %x30-37 2HEXDIG )
high-surrogate = "D" ("8"/"9"/"A"/"B") 2HEXDIG
low-surrogate = "D" ("C"/"D"/"E"/"F") 2HEXDIG
HEXDIG = DIGIT / "A" / "B" / "C" / "D" / "E" / "F"
wildcard-selector = "*"
index-selector = int ; decimal integer
int = "0" /
(["-"] DIGIT1 *DIGIT) ; - optional
DIGIT1 = %x31-39 ; 1-9 non-zero digit
slice-selector = [start S] ":" S [end S] [":" [S step ]]
start = int ; included in selection
end = int ; not included in selection
step = int ; default: 1
filter-selector = "?" S logical-expr
logical-expr = logical-or-expr
logical-or-expr = logical-and-expr *(S "||" S logical-and-expr)
; disjunction
; binds less tightly than conjunction
logical-and-expr = basic-expr *(S "&&" S basic-expr)
; conjunction
; binds more tightly than disjunction
basic-expr = paren-expr /
comparison-expr /
paren-expr = [logical-not-op S] "(" S logical-expr S ")"
; parenthesized expression
logical-not-op = "!" ; logical NOT operator
test-expr = [logical-not-op S]
(filter-query / ; existence/non-existence
function-expr) ; LogicalType or NodesType
filter-query = rel-query / jsonpath-query
rel-query = current-node-identifier segments
current-node-identifier = "@"
comparison-expr = comparable S comparison-op S comparable
literal = number / string-literal /
true / false / null
comparable = literal /
singular-query / ; singular query value
function-expr ; ValueType
comparison-op = "==" / "!=" /
"<=" / ">=" /
"<" / ">"
singular-query = rel-singular-query / abs-singular-query
rel-singular-query = current-node-identifier singular-query-segments
abs-singular-query = root-identifier singular-query-segments
singular-query-segments = *(S (name-segment / index-segment))
name-segment = ("[" name-selector "]") /
("." member-name-shorthand)
index-segment = "[" index-selector "]"
number = (int / "-0") [ frac ] [ exp ] ; decimal number
frac = "." 1*DIGIT ; decimal fraction
exp = "e" [ "-" / "+" ] 1*DIGIT ; decimal exponent
true = %x74.72.75.65 ; true
false = %x66.61.6c.73.65 ; false
null = %x6e.75.6c.6c ; null
function-name = function-name-first *function-name-char
function-name-first = LCALPHA
function-name-char = function-name-first / "_" / DIGIT
LCALPHA = %x61-7A ; "a".."z"
function-expr = function-name "(" S [function-argument
*(S "," S function-argument)] S ")"
function-argument = literal /
filter-query / ; (includes singular-query)
logical-expr /
segment = child-segment / descendant-segment
child-segment = bracketed-selection /
(wildcard-selector /
bracketed-selection = "[" S selector *(S "," S selector) S "]"
member-name-shorthand = name-first *name-char
name-first = ALPHA /
"_" /
%x80-D7FF /
; skip surrogate code points
name-char = name-first / DIGIT
DIGIT = %x30-39 ; 0-9
ALPHA = %x41-5A / %x61-7A ; A-Z / a-z
descendant-segment = ".." (bracketed-selection /
wildcard-selector /
Figure 2: Collected ABNF of JSONPath Queries
Figure 3 contains the collected ABNF grammar that defines the syntax
of a JSONPath Normalized Path while also using the rules root-
identifier, ESC, DIGIT, and DIGIT1 from Figure 2.
normalized-path = root-identifier *(normal-index-segment)
normal-index-segment = "[" normal-selector "]"
normal-selector = normal-name-selector / normal-index-selector
normal-name-selector = %x27 *normal-single-quoted %x27 ; 'string'
normal-single-quoted = normal-unescaped /
ESC normal-escapable
normal-unescaped = ; omit %x0-1F control codes
%x20-26 /
; omit 0x27 '
%x28-5B /
; omit 0x5C \
%x5D-D7FF /
; skip surrogate code points
normal-escapable = %x62 / ; b BS backspace U+0008
%x66 / ; f FF form feed U+000C
%x6E / ; n LF line feed U+000A
%x72 / ; r CR carriage return U+000D
%x74 / ; t HT horizontal tab U+0009
"'" / ; ' apostrophe U+0027
"\" / ; \ backslash (reverse solidus) U+005C
(%x75 normal-hexchar)
; certain values u00xx U+00XX
normal-hexchar = "0" "0"
("0" %x30-37) / ; "00"-"07"
; omit U+0008-U+000A BS HT LF
("0" %x62) / ; "0b"
; omit U+000C-U+000D FF CR
("0" %x65-66) / ; "0e"-"0f"
("1" normal-HEXDIG)
normal-HEXDIG = DIGIT / %x61-66 ; "0"-"9", "a"-"f"
normal-index-selector = "0" / (DIGIT1 *DIGIT)
; non-negative decimal integer
We welcome contributions to this repository! Please open a Github issue or a Pull Request if you have an implementation for a bug fix or feature. This repository is compliant with the jsonpath standard compliance test suite