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[ICLR'24] Consistency Trajectory Model (CTM)


This repository houses the official PyTorch implementation of the paper titled "Consistency Trajectory Models: Learning Probability Flow ODE Trajectory of Diffusion" on ImageNet 64x64, which is presented at ICLR 2024.



For single-step diffusion model sampling, our new model, Consistency Trajectory Model (CTM), achieves SOTA on CIFAR-10 (FID 1.73) and ImageNet 64x64 (FID 1.92). CTM offers diverse sampling options and balances computational budget with sample fidelity effectively.



  1. Download (or obtain) the following files

    • Pretrained diffusion model: Please locate it in args.teacher_model_path
    • Data: Please locate it in args.data_dir (Note that the data we use is NOT the downsampled image data. It is ILSVRC2012 data. There are huge performance gap between those two datasets.)
    • Reference statistics: statistics for computing FID, sFID, IS, precision, recall. Please locate them in args.ref_path
  2. Install docker to your own server

    2-1. Type docker pull dongjun57/ctm-docker:latest to download docker image in docker hub.

    2-2. Create a container by typing in the command: docker run --gpus=all -itd -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro -v /dev/shm:/dev/shm -v [specified directory]:[specified directory] -v /hdd/imagenet/imagenet_dir/train:/hdd/imagenet/imagenet_dir/train -v [specified data directory]:[specified data directory] --name ctm-docker 8caa2682d007 The commands could vary by your server environment.

    2-3. Go to the container by docker exec -it ctm-docker bash.

    2-4. Go to the virtual environment by conda activate ctm.

  3. Make sure the dependencies consistent with the following.

    apt install git
    apt install libopenmpi-dev
    python -m pip install tensorflow[and-cuda]
    python -m pip install torch torchvision torchaudio
    python -m pip install blobfile tqdm numpy scipy pandas Cython piq==0.7.0
    python -m pip install joblib==0.14.0 albumentations==0.4.3 lmdb clip@git+ pillow
    python -m pip install flash-attn --no-build-isolation
    python -m pip install xformers
    python -m pip install mpi4py
    python -m pip install nvidia-ml-py3 timm==0.4.12 legacy dill nvidia-ml-py3


  • For CTM+DSM training, run bash commands/

    Recommendation: at least run CTM+DSM for 10~50k iterations

  • For CTM+DSM+GAN training, run bash commands/

    Recommendation: at least run CTM+DSM+GAN for >=30k iterations


Please see commands/ for detailed sampling commands.


Run python3.8 evaluations/ [location_of_statistics] [location_of_samples]

The first argument is the reference path and the second argument is the folder of your samples (>=50k samples for correct evaluation).

Please refer to the statistics of ADM (Prafulla Dhariwal, Alex Nichol).

Customized dataset

Users need to manually replace the data_name with your data name: manually modify the data_name in or


  title={Consistency Trajectory Models: Learning Probability Flow ODE Trajectory of Diffusion},
  author={Kim, Dongjun and Lai, Chieh-Hsin and Liao, Wei-Hsiang and Murata, Naoki and Takida, Yuhta and Uesaka, Toshimitsu and He, Yutong and Mitsufuji, Yuki and Ermon, Stefano},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.02279},