Releases: shinken-monitoring/mod-webui
Shinken WebUI 2.8.2
This release fixes only bug introduced in 2.8.0.
- Fix #724 - Logout not working (thanks @ayaloulameche and @mohierf)
Shinken WebUI 2.8.1
This release fixes only bug introduced in 2.8.0.
- #722 - Fix worldmap (thanks @b-keller)
- #723 - Fix contact page (thanks @ayaloulameche)
- Fix move right in graph view
Shinken WebUI 2.8.0
So much time has passed since the last version, it is time for a release.
- #602 - Output parsed wrong
- #605 - Error 500 in logs
- #607 - Error 500 when perfdata is not well formated
- #617 - Problems not showing counted errors (thanks @bmalynovytch)
- Fix redirections when wrong login
- #621 - Fix external commands for host/service check results
- #649 - exception on broker initial status brok
- #629 - manage empty MongoDB URI
- #651 - link groups with groups in the regenerator
- #658 - fix the configuration reload hosts/services list not clean
- Fix pagination element
- #657 - fix and improve notification ways / timeperiods update
- #667 - remove /Home from the breadcrumb (and clean some bad breacrumb links)
- #665 - update MongoDB interface for user's preferences
- #673 : Element view cleanings
- Debug wall module
- Fix labels in global synthesis
- #677 - update views (element, problems, custom)
- #708 - actions bar on small devices
- #702 - cookies management
- #707 - search string must be an empty string (not None)
- #642 - Pagination control titles
- #606 - Cleanup stats view by allowing to configure command_name and contact_name
Lot of cleanup in many views
Alignak compatibility
Waiting page while webui is loading objects after restart
#438 - Rewrite graph tab to add zoom and navigation capabilities
#581 - Use problem syntesis to refine search when possible
#613 - Change word for status update notifications (thanks @cbdevnet)
#620 - Use Shinken WebUI with the Alignak framework (thanks @mohierf)
#644 - Update dashboard widgets selector
#631 - add a framework status icon in the header bar (thanks @mohierf)
#357 - configure a dedicated log file for the WebUI (thanks @mohierf)
#616 - Add SHA256 and SHA512 htpasswd auth methods (thanks @Xenopathic)
#652 - login view restyling
Update Font Awesome icons
#677 - render notes and actions in the problems view
Replace old bp: by bi: filter
Add methods to update search
- Zoom and navigation in graphs
- New alerts statistics module should be working for everybody, and has been made configurable. This module allows to see most frequent alerts on the last 30 days. It is very helpful to tune thresholds and help reduce the number of alerts.
Shinken WebUI 2.7.2
- Fix downtime durations
- Fix #598 - Fix search by service-group (Thank you @kalinikos)
Shinken WebUI 2.7.1
- Fix #596 : Display host address in eltview
Shinken WebUI 2.7.0
Besides a lot of UI improvements, the goal of this version is to allow the user to stay as much as possible in the "Problems" view (/all
). The accordions have been debugged and they are displaying a lot of useful information to avoid going into the detailed hosts/services views.
This version is also making a new place to comments, in the element's accordions. It should be easy to have a glance at the history of a service, and to add a new comment when necessary. It is actually opening the way to a more collaborative Shinken WebUI (something you usually find in tickets trackers or in Trello).
- #591 Fix Sound Toggle bug (Thanks @ornoone)
- #592 Fix Sound icon (Thanks @ornoone)
- #593 Fix Tooltip breaking tables columns (Thanks @ornoone)
- Fix tooltip bug on dashboard
- Manage Nagios Process avatar
- Debug ACK and Downtime modals
- Fix crash when searching for 'bp:'
- Improve and cleanup sidebar
- Lot of improvements and cleanup in problems view accordions
- Cleanup style of accordions
- Display comments in accordions
- Display notes in accordions
- Allow to add comments in accordions
- Debug impacts in accordions
- Add HTML anchors on accordions
- Hide checkboxes and check_all and problems page (replaced by link hidden behind Business impact, and ctrl+click or maj+click on items)
- Move actions in topbar
- Lot of code cleanup in forms and actions
- Infinite scrolling in element history
- Navbar fixed on top of screen
- When searching for hostgroups and hosttags, search returns hosts and associated services
- Replace downtime icon, improve get_fa_icon_state, and add column in problems view with ack and downtime icons
- Better log management
- Cleanup eltdetail information tab
- Allow to add and list comments in item accordion (problems view)
- New is:SOFT, is:HARD and is:FLAPPING filters
- Quick "Schedule a downtime" with preset durations
- Experimental, may not work at all : New alerts statistics module allowing to see most frequent alerts on last 30 days (depends on mod-mongo-logs)
Shinken WebUI 2.6.1
- Fix #587 Move shinken-bookmarks.js at the top of HTML
- #585 Fix : Avoid user collision (thank you @guillaume-u)
Shinken WebUI 2.6.0
This is a huge version. Could be major except it doesn't break anything important so I choose to keep it 2.x.
You can wait for 2.6.1 to see if some bugs pops up. But upgrade is really recommended.
IMPORTANT: If you are using mod-ui-pnp to display PNP4Nagios Graphs, please upgrade it to version 1.1 withcd /usr/shinken/modules; cp ui-pnp.cfg ui-pnp.cfg.bak && shinken update ui-pnp && mv ui-pnp.cfg.bak ui-pnp-cfg
- New perfdata pie charts
- Perfdata table in host/service informations (using pie charts)
- Ctrl+Click and Maj+Click to select multiple elements in problems view
- User avatars : Generate and display user avatars if Gravatar is disabled or doesn't respond
- Flat design (in fact this is a really little change)
- New colors for header menu and new Shinken logo
- New arrangement of problems view (better responsive)
- Rewrite problems widget
- Display all the graphs in problems view (Fixes #449)
- Loads graphs with ajax in problems view
- Use Bootstrap Tooltips instead of browser native management of HTML title
- Rewrite element comments and downtimes tabs
- Rewrite element history tab
- Cleanup overall states in header menu
- Cleanup element informations tab (Work in progress)
- Cleanup contacts view
- Cleanup commands and system views
- Round synthesis pct to one number instead of two
- More subtil stars display on business impacts
- Move JS includes at the end of HTML
- Lot of JS cleanup
- Added Cache-Control on graphs
- #583 Fix : disable refresh if refresh_period = 0 (Thank you @guillaume-u)
- Debug shinken-refresh.js
- #570 Fix save dashboard modification (currently view) (Thank you @bmalynovytch)
- Header menu on mobile
- Added webui version number on assets to avoid bugs after update due to browser cache
Removed features:
- Remove Perfometers (replaced by pie charts)
- Remove Depgraphs (completely buggy, no one was using them)
Again, if you are using mod-ui-pnp to display PNP4Nagios Graphs, please upgrade it to 1.1.