Deploy your custom ViM setup and keep it up to date everywhere.
git clone
cd vimtogo
chmod +x vimtogo
./vimtogo install
Usage: ./vimtogo [install|update] <option>
Where options for commands are:
-k, --ssl-no-verify No verify SSL certs for HTTPS connections
-f, --force Force installation. This will overwrite exinting files
-b, --backup Save existing stuff by renaming to .bk extension
For example to add vim-airline plugin to your setup:
vim togo/vim-airline
Then put these contents:
""" vim-airline
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled=1
The two first lines are mandatory, indicating:
- plugin name
- git repo location from where clone and or update sources
After that you can add all desired option settings. For example:
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled=1
Then run the installation again that will re-install all default plugins and will add vim-airline:
./vimtogo install --force
To have an example of a complete setup take a look of my own branch:
My idea is to keep the most common setup in master branch and add a branch for each customization. In this way, you can fork my repository and create one branch with your name that meets your needs.
Then from time to time you can merge upstream changes from my repository to your fork.
If you need more help on how to fork to merge upstream changes then take a look to these links:
Also you can merge from master branch but keep some local work (for example your vimrc):
git merge -s ours origin/master
Then if you want to see differences:
git diff master
To discard changes on a file
git checkout master vimtogo/vimrc