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Seam Ruby SDK GitHub Actions

SDK for the Seam API written in Ruby.


Seam makes it easy to integrate IoT devices with your applications. This is an official SDK for the Seam API. Please refer to the official Seam Docs to get started.

Parts of this SDK are generated from always up-to-date type information provided by @seamapi/types. This ensures all API methods, request shapes, and response shapes are accurate and fully typed.


Add this as a dependency to your project using Bundler with:

$ bundle add seam




These examples assume SEAM_API_KEY is set in your environment.

List devices

require "seam"

seam =
devices = seam.devices.list

Unlock a door

require "seam"

seam =
lock = seam.locks.get(name: "Front Door")
seam.locks.unlock_door(device_id: lock.device_id)

Authentication Method

The SDK supports API key and personal access token authentication mechanisms. Authentication may be configured by passing the corresponding options directly to the Seam constructor, or with the more ergonomic static factory methods.


An API key is scoped to a single workspace and should only be used on the server. Obtain one from the Seam Console.

# Set the `SEAM_API_KEY` environment variable
seam =

# Pass as a keyword argument to the constructor
seam = "your-api-key")

# Use the factory method
seam = Seam.from_api_key("your-api-key")

Personal Access Token

A Personal Access Token is scoped to a Seam Console user. Obtain one from the Seam Console. A workspace ID must be provided when using this method and all requests will be scoped to that workspace.

# Pass as an option to the constructor
seam =
  personal_access_token: "your-personal-access-token",
  workspace_id: "your-workspace-id"

# Use the factory method
seam = Seam.from_personal_access_token(

Action Attempts

Some asynchronous operations, e.g., unlocking a door, return an action attempt. Seam tracks the progress of the requested operation and updates the action attempt when it succeeds or fails.

To make working with action attempts more convenient for applications, this library provides the wait_for_action_attempt option and enables it by default.

When the wait_for_action_attempt option is enabled, the SDK:

  • Polls the action attempt up to the timeout at the polling_interval (both in seconds).
  • Resolves with a fresh copy of the successful action attempt.
  • Raises a Seam::ActionAttemptFailedError if the action attempt is unsuccessful.
  • Raises a Seam::ActionAttemptTimeoutError if the action attempt is still pending when the timeout is reached.
  • Both errors expose an action_attempt property.

If you already have an action attempt ID and want to wait for it to resolve, simply use:

seam.action_attempts.get(action_attempt_id: action_attempt_id)

Or, to get the current state of an action attempt by ID without waiting:

  action_attempt_id: action_attempt_id,
  wait_for_action_attempt: false

To disable this behavior, set the default option for the client:

seam =
  api_key: "your-api-key",
  wait_for_action_attempt: false

seam.locks.unlock_door(device_id: device_id)

or the behavior may be configured per-request:

  device_id: device_id,
  wait_for_action_attempt: false

The polling_interval and timeout may be configured for the client or per-request. For example:

require "seam"

seam ="your-api-key")

locks = seam.locks.list

if locks.empty?
  raise "No locks in this workspace"

lock = locks.first

    device_id: lock.device_id,
    wait_for_action_attempt: {
      timeout: 5.0,
      polling_interval: 1.0

  puts "Door unlocked"
rescue Seam::ActionAttemptFailedError
  puts "Could not unlock the door"
rescue Seam::ActionAttemptTimeoutError
  puts "Door took too long to unlock"

Interacting with Multiple Workspaces

Some Seam API endpoints interact with multiple workspaces. The Seam::Http::SeamMultiWorkspace client is not bound to a specific workspace and may use those endpoints with a personal access token authentication method.

A Personal Access Token is scoped to a Seam Console user. Obtain one from the Seam Console.

# Pass as an option to the constructor
seam = "your-personal-access-token")

# Use the factory method
seam = Seam::Http::SeamMultiWorkspace.from_personal_access_token("your-personal-access-token")

# List workspaces authorized for this Personal Access Token
workspaces = seam.workspaces.list


The Seam API implements webhooks using Svix.This SDK exports a thin wrapper Seam::Webhook around the svix package. Use it to parse and validate Seam webhook events.

require "sinatra"
require "seam"


post "/webhook" do
    headers = {
      "svix-id" => request.env["HTTP_SVIX_ID"],
      "svix-signature" => request.env["HTTP_SVIX_SIGNATURE"],
      "svix-timestamp" => request.env["HTTP_SVIX_TIMESTAMP"]
    data = webhook.verify(, headers)
  rescue Seam::WebhookVerificationError
    halt 400, "Bad Request"

    halt 500, "Internal Server Error"


def store_event(data)
  puts data

Advanced Usage

Additional Options

In addition to the various authentication options, the constructor takes some advanced options that affect behavior.

seam =
  api_key: "your-api-key",
  endpoint: "",
  faraday_options: {},
  faraday_retry_options: {}

When using the static factory methods, these options may be passed in as keyword arguments.

seam = Seam.from_api_key("some-api-key",
  endpoint: "",
  faraday_options: {},
  faraday_retry_options: {})

Setting the endpoint

Some contexts may need to override the API endpoint, e.g., testing or proxy setups. This option corresponds to the Faraday url setting.

Either pass the endpoint option, or set the SEAM_ENDPOINT environment variable.

Configuring the Faraday Client

The Faraday client and retry behavior may be configured with custom initiation options via faraday_option and faraday_retry_option.

Using the Faraday Client

The Faraday client is exposed and may be used or configured directly:

require "seam"
require "faraday"

class MyMiddleware < Faraday::Middleware
  def on_complete(env)
    puts env.response.inspect

seam =

seam.client.builder.use MyMiddleware

devices = seam.client.get("/devices/list").body["devices"]

Overriding the Client

A Faraday compatible client may be provided to create a Seam instance. This API is used internally and is not directly supported.

Development and Testing


$ git clone
$ cd ruby-next
$ bundle install

Run the command below

$ bundle exec rake

Open an interactive ruby console with

$ bundle exec rake

Primary development tasks are defined as rake tasks in the Rakefile and available via rake. View them with

$ bundle exec rake -T

Source code

The source code is hosted on GitHub. Clone the project with

$ git clone [email protected]:seamapi/ruby-next.git


You will need Ruby with Bundler and Node.js with npm.

Be sure that all commands run under the correct Ruby version, e.g., if using rbenv, install the correct version with

$ rbenv install
$ npm install

Install the development dependencies with

$ bundle install


New versions are created with gem release.


New versions are released automatically with semantic-release as long as commits follow the Angular Commit Message Conventions.


Publish a new version by triggering a version workflow_dispatch on GitHub Actions. The version input will be passed to the --version option of gem bump.

This may be done on the web or using the GitHub CLI with

$ gh workflow run version.yml --raw-field version=<version>

GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions should already be configured: this section is for reference only.

The following repository secrets must be set on GitHub Actions:

  • RUBYGEMS_API_KEY: token for publishing gems.

These must be set manually.

Secrets for Optional GitHub Actions

The version, format, generate, and semantic-release GitHub actions require a user with write access to the repository. Set these additional secrets to enable the action:

  • GH_TOKEN: A personal access token for the user.
  • GIT_USER_NAME: The GitHub user's real name.
  • GIT_USER_EMAIL: The GitHub user's email.
  • GPG_PRIVATE_KEY: The GitHub user's GPG private key.
  • GPG_PASSPHRASE: The GitHub user's GPG passphrase.


Please submit and comment on bug reports and feature requests.

To submit a patch:

  1. Fork it (
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature).
  3. Make changes.
  4. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature').
  5. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature).
  6. Create a new Pull Request.


This Ruby gem is licensed under the MIT license.


This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors "as is" and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall the copyright holder or contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.