DEPRECATED: instead using KCL, now we are using AWS Lambda to consume Kinesis data.
This is a sample environment developed with Docker and Node.js to show how the Kinesis Interface works.
To execute this demo execute the following steps:
Go to docker-compose.yml and change the variables below in generator and kinesis-interface container definitions:
- AWS_REGION: choose the region where you created the Kinesis stream
- AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: enter the keys of a user which can access the stream
- Go to docker-compose.yml and add the stream name in STREAM_NAME variable of generator container definiton
- Go to kinesis-interface/ and change the streamName option
ATTENTION! Be sure that you have docker and docker-compose installed in your machine!
In command line execute the following commands:
# build the containers
docker-compose build
# start the containers
docker-compose up
After the KCL starts, you will see the generator sending messages to Kinesis:
generator_1 | Producer: messages sent to kinesis
The KCL using the Kinesis Interface processor to forward data to the consumer:
kinesis-interface_1 | INFO: Starting: Reading next message from STDIN for shardId-000000000000
kinesis-interface_1 | Aug 05, 2016 7:24:39 PM validateStatusMessage
kinesis-interface_1 | INFO: Received response {"action":"status","responseFor":"processRecords"} from subprocess while waiting for processRecords while processing shard shardId-000000000000
kinesis-interface_1 | Aug 05, 2016 7:24:40 PM writeMessage
kinesis-interface_1 | INFO: Writing ProcessRecordsMessage to child process for shard shardId-000000000000
kinesis-interface_1 | Aug 05, 2016 7:24:40 PM$1 call
kinesis-interface_1 | INFO: Message size == 51339 bytes for shard shardId-000000000000
kinesis-interface_1 | Aug 05, 2016 7:24:40 PM call
kinesis-interface_1 | INFO: Starting: Reading next message from STDIN for shardId-000000000000
The consumer receiving data from KCL:
consumer_1 | Consumer: reading data...
consumer_1 | 300 kinesis records received