A plugin for iOS http/https network transfer using libcurl instead of CFNetwork.
The main idea is to create subclasses of NSURLProtocol for custom http protocols and hook NSURLSessionConfiguration class for using the custom http protocol by default.
Worked for NSURLConnection/NSURLSession/AFNetworing.
- run http/https server listening on 80/443 port
# cd test-server
# node app.js
- select demo target and run iOS demo.app
- select ihttphook target and build ihttphook.framework
- inject dynamic library into your app using insert_dylib tool
# PATH/TO/insert_dylib_tool @rpath/ihttphook.framework/ihttphook xx.app/xx
- resign and repackage your app
The Apache License is used for this project. See LICENSE file.
Jason Cox, @jasonacox, https://github.com/jasonacox/Build-OpenSSL-cURL.git
YANGQIAN, @yangqian111, https://github.com/yangqian111/PPSNetworkMonitor.git
gengjf, @gengjf, https://github.com/gengjf/insert_dylib.git