This app contain list of recipes with detail , you can watch video and it has responsive view along with Widget which include recipe as list in HomeScreen
- App is written solely in the Java Programming Language
- App utilizes stable release versions of all libraries, Gradle, and Android Studio.
- App should allow navigation between individual recipes and recipe steps.
- App should display recipes from provided network resource.
- App uses RecyclerView and can handle recipe steps that include videos or images.
- Application uses Master Detail Flow to display recipe steps and navigation between them.
- Application uses Exoplayer to display videos.
- Application properly initializes and releases video assets when appropriate.
- Application should properly retrieve media assets from the provided network links. It should properly handle network requests.
- Application makes use of Espresso to test aspects of the UI.
- Application sensibly utilizes a third-party library to enhance the app's features. That could be helper library to interface with ContentProviders if you choose to store the recipes, a UI binding library to avoid writing findViewById a bunch of times, or something similar.
- Application has a companion homescreen widget.
- Widget displays ingredient list for desired recipe.
- Activity, Fragment , Responsive Screen (Tablet)
- MVVM pattern (Android JetPack using Room Persistance)
- Retrofit (Network call)
- Room Persistense
- LiveData
- ExoPlayer for video streaming
- Rotation of screen (Fragment Saved Instanse state)
- Interprocess communication (Activity ->Fragment, Fragment ->Activity and A_Fragment->Activity->B_Fragment )
- UI test (Espresso)
- Backend Service
- Widget Provider (Transfet list of ingredients to Home Widget)
- ButterKnife
- Picasso
- Stetho for debugging