Bower support for Rails projects. Dependency file is bower.json in Rails root dir or Bowerfile if you use DSL. Check out changelog for the latest changes and releases.
NOTE: If you install node
via package manager with sudo apt-get install nodejs
you'll also need to install nodejs-legacy
with sudo apt-get install nodejs-legacy
. See #91
in Gemfile
gem "bower-rails", "~> 0.11.0"
Bower-rails now supports the standard bower package format out-of-the-box. Simply place your bower.json file inside the Rails root directory to start. Using the standard format will default all bower components to be installed under the vendor
To install dependencies into both lib
and vendor
directories, run the initializer to generate a custom bower.json:
rails g bower_rails:initialize json
This will generate a config/initializers/bower_rails.rb
config file and a special bower.json that combines two standard bower packages into one. Simply specify your dependencies under each folder name to install them into the corresponding directories.
example bower.json file
"lib": {
"name": "bower-rails generated lib assets",
"dependencies": {
"threex": "[email protected]:rharriso/threex.git",
"gsvpano.js": ""
"vendor": {
"name": "bower-rails generated vendor assets",
"dependencies": {
"three.js": ""
// Bower packages
//= require d3/d3
//= require underscore/underscore
The Ruby DSL configuration is a Bowerfile at the project's root with DSL syntax similar to Bundler.
Run the initializer to generate a sample Bowerfile inside the Rails root and a config/initializers/bower_rails.rb
config file:
rails g bower_rails:initialize
Example Bowerfile
By default assets are put to ./vendor/assets/bower_components
# Puts to ./vendor/assets/bower_components
asset "backbone"
asset "moment", "2.0.0" # get exactly version 2.0.0
asset "secret_styles", "[email protected]:initech/secret_styles" # get from a git repo
# get from a git repo using the tag 1.0.0
asset "secret_logic", "1.0.0", git: "[email protected]:initech/secret_logic"
# get from a github repo
asset "secret_logic", "1.0.0", github: "initech/secret_logic"
# get a specific revision from a git endpoint
asset "secret_logic", github: "initech/secret_logic", ref: '0adff'
# get a single file
asset "three.js", ""
But the default value can be overridden by assets_path
assets_path "assets/my_javascripts"
# Puts to ./vendor/assets/my_javascripts/bower_components
asset "backbone"
asset "moment"
The assets_path
method can be overridden by an option in a group
assets_path "assets/javascript"
# Puts files under ./vendor/assets/js/bower_components
group :vendor, :assets_path => "assets/js" do
asset "jquery" # Defaults to 'latest'
asset "backbone", "1.1.1"
# Puts files under ./lib/assets/javascript/bower_components
group :lib do
asset "jquery"
asset "backbone", "1.1.1"
NOTE: Available groups are :lib
and :vendor
. Others are not allowed according to the Rails convention.
NOTE: All the assets should be stored in /assets
subdirectory so putting it under ./vendor/js
directory is unavailable
You can extend main
directive to include some missing files using main_files
option as parameter or in a block:
# via argument
asset "moment", "2.10.1", main_files: ["./locale/en-gb.js"]
# or in block
asset "moment", "2.10.1" do
main_files [
And finally, you can specify the assets to be in the devDependencies block:
asset "backbone", "1.1.1"
# Adds jasmine-sinon and jasmine-matchers to devDependencies
dependency_group :dev_dependencies do
asset "jasmine-sinon" # Defaults to 'latest'
asset "jasmine-matchers" # Defaults to 'latest'
# Explicit dependency group notation ( not necessary )
dependency_group :dependencies do
asset "emberjs" # Defaults to 'latest'
results in the following bower.json file:
"name": "dsl-generated-dependencies",
"dependencies": {
"backbone": "1.1.1",
"angular": "1.2.18",
"devDependencies": {
"jasmine-sinon": "latest",
"jasmine-matchers": "latest"
- Available dependency groups are
(default) and:dev_dependencies
. Others are not allowed according to the Rails convention. - In order to install assets on the
group please runRAILS_ENV=development rake bower:install
To specify a bower resolution use resolution
DSL method in your Bowerfile:
resolution "angular", "1.2.22"
That will produce bower.json
"name" : "dsl-generated-dependencies",
"dependencies": {
"angular": "1.2.22"
"resolutions": {
"angular": "1.2.22"
Change options in your config/initializers/bower_rails.rb
BowerRails.configure do |bower_rails|
# Tell bower-rails what path should be considered as root. Defaults to Dir.pwd
bower_rails.root_path = Dir.pwd
# Invokes rake bower:install before precompilation. Defaults to false
bower_rails.install_before_precompile = true
# Invokes rake bower:resolve before precompilation. Defaults to false
bower_rails.resolve_before_precompile = true
# Invokes rake bower:clean before precompilation. Defaults to false
bower_rails.clean_before_precompile = true
# Excludes specific bower components from clean. Defaults to nil
bower_rails.exclude_from_clean = ['moment']
# Invokes rake bower:install:deployment instead of rake bower:install. Defaults to false
bower_rails.use_bower_install_deployment = true
# rake bower:install will search for gem dependencies and in each gem it will search for Bowerfile
# and then concatenate all Bowerfile for evaluation
bower_rails.use_gem_deps_for_bowerfile = true
# Passes the -F option to rake bower:install or rake bower:install:deployment. Defaults to false.
bower_rails.force_install = true
# Change the default directory name
bower_rails.bower_components_directory = 'bower_components'
If you are using Rails version < 4.0.0 then you are to require bower_rails.rb
initializer manually in application.rb
module YourAppName
class Application < Rails::Application
require "#{Rails.root}/config/initializers/bower_rails.rb"
By default this line is added while running the generator.
Once you are done with bower.json
or Bowerfile
you can run
rake bower:install
to install packagesrake bower:install:deployment
to install packages from bower.jsonrake bower:update
to update packagesrake bower:update:prune
to update components and uninstall extraneous packagesrake bower:list
to list all packagesrake bower:clean
to remove all files not listed as main files (if specified)rake bower:resolve
to resolve relative asset paths in componentsrake bower:cache:clean
to clear the bower cache. This is useful when you know a component has been updated.
If you'd like to pass any bower CLI options to a rake task, like -f
, -j
, you can simply do:
rake bower:install['-f']
While using Capistrano 3 and Capistrano Rails gem, it's needed to run bower install before assets compile. Add the following code to your deploy.rb, it will run rake bower:install
before compiling the assets. CI=true flag is used not to ask for the analytics at the first bower install.
namespace :bower do
desc 'Install bower'
task :install do
on roles(:web) do
within release_path do
with rails_env: fetch(:rails_env) do
execute :rake, 'bower:install CI=true'
before 'deploy:compile_assets', 'bower:install'
If you provide a .bowerrc
in the rails project root, bower-rails will use it for bower configuration.
Some .bowerrc options are not supported: directory
, cwd
, and interactive
. Bower-rails
will ignore the directory
property and instead will use the automatically generated asset path.
Bower should be installed using npm. Bower can be installed globally (with $ npm install -g bower
) or in node_modules
in the root directory of your project.
Some bower components (eg. Bootstrap) have relative urls in the CSS files for imports, images, etc. Rails prefers using helper methods for linking to assets within CSS. Relative paths can cause issues when assets are precompiled for production.
Remember that you should have bower installed either locally in your project or on a remote server.
Each bower component should follow the bower.json spec
which designates a recommended main
directive that lists the primary files of
that component. You may choose to reference these files if you are using the asset
pipeline, in which case other extraneous includes of the bower component are not needed.
The rake bower:clean
task removes every file that isn't listed in the main
if the component specifies a main
directive. Remember that you can extend the main
in ruby DSL configuration. Otherwise, the library will remain as bower installed it. It supports wildcards
in files listed in main