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Order Management Service

umu+ edited this page Apr 7, 2021 · 17 revisions

# RBS Order Management Service

This service provides queries and mutations for orchestration of various services to manage orders.

How It Works

Creating a new order is a multi step journey on server-side. It starts with starting a new process called "CREATE_ORDER_AND_SHIPMENTS" on Process Manager service.

    action: 'rbs.process.request.START',
    data: {
        processId: 'CREATE_ORDER_AND_SHIPMENTS',
        payload: orderInput

When you start a process, you will have an execution ID to track status of the process by polling "rbs.process.request.GET_EXECUTION".

    action: 'rbs.process.request.GET_EXECUTION',
    data: {
        processId: 'CREATE_ORDER_AND_SHIPMENTS',
        executionId: 'executionId'


To start a process, you need to send following input. In that input, you should

OrderInput {
    "address": {
        "shipmentAddress": {
            "addressId": "01EYMX24JNP5439ND40RWM3GPS",
            "name": "Test Address",
            "country": "TÜRKİYE",
            "city": "İSTANBUL",
            "district": "ATAŞEHİR"
        "invoiceAddress": {
            "addressId": "01EYMXKC3JPBGRKQVNM3KP3W31",
            "name": "Test Address",
            "country": "TÜRKİYE",
            "city": "İSTANBUL",
            "district": "ATAŞEHİR"
    "crm": {
        "userId": "c85a5c6f11b1381c3cee0608cd80dec8"
    "cart": {
        "totalPriceToPay": 26910,
        "totalPrice": 30000,
        "serviceFeeDiscount": 900,
        "discount": 3090,
        "appliedPromotions": [
                "title": "Deneme",
                "appliedDiscount": 0,
                "appliedServiceFeeDiscount": 900
                "appliedDiscount": 0,
                "appliedServiceFeeDiscount": 0
                "appliedDiscount": 3090,
                "appliedServiceFeeDiscount": 0
        "promotionSuggestions": {
            "minAmountForFreeServiceFee": 13300
        "items": [
                "merchantId": "Merchant",
                "variantGroupId": "VaraiantGroupId",
                "itemId": "ItemId",
                "qty": 3,
                "product": {
                    "images": [
                    "attributes": [
                            "fieldNameLabel": "CanReturnItem",
                            "attType": "UNKNOWN_TYPE",
                            "fieldName": "CanReturnItem",
                            "valueLabel": "true",
                            "value": true
                            "fieldNameLabel": "Description",
                            "attType": "UNKNOWN_TYPE",
                            "fieldName": "Description",
                            "valueLabel": " description",
                            "value": " description"
                            "fieldNameLabel": "test",
                            "attType": "UNKNOWN_TYPE",
                            "fieldName": "test",
                            "valueLabel": "",
                            "value": ""
                            "fieldNameLabel": "uruncesidi",
                            "attType": "LIST",
                            "fieldName": "uruncesidi",
                            "valueLabel": "",
                            "value": ""
                            "fieldNameLabel": "ItemFeatureBaran",
                            "attType": "UNKNOWN_TYPE",
                            "fieldName": "ItemFeatureBaran",
                            "valueLabel": "",
                            "value": ""
                            "fieldNameLabel": "isVirtual",
                            "attType": "UNKNOWN_TYPE",
                            "fieldName": "isVirtual",
                            "valueLabel": "true",
                            "value": true
                            "fieldNameLabel": "shortDescription",
                            "attType": "TEXT",
                            "fieldName": "shortDescription",
                            "valueLabel": "",
                            "value": ""
                            "badges": [],
                            "listValue": [
                            "attType": "LIST",
                            "fieldName": "categories",
                            "listValueLabel": [
                            "valueLabel": "",
                            "fieldNameLabel": "categories",
                            "value": ""
                            "fieldNameLabel": "shortName",
                            "attType": "TEXT",
                            "fieldName": "shortName",
                            "valueLabel": " Product",
                            "value": " Product"
                            "badges": [],
                            "listValue": [],
                            "attType": "LIST",
                            "fieldName": "productdetailIcons",
                            "listValueLabel": [],
                            "valueLabel": "",
                            "fieldNameLabel": "productdetailIcons",
                            "value": ""
                            "fieldNameLabel": "noDiscount",
                            "attType": "UNKNOWN_TYPE",
                            "fieldName": "noDiscount",
                            "valueLabel": "true",
                            "value": true
                            "badges": [],
                            "listValue": [],
                            "attType": "LIST",
                            "fieldName": "productFeature",
                            "listValueLabel": [],
                            "valueLabel": "",
                            "fieldNameLabel": "productFeature",
                            "value": ""
                "stock": 1,
                "price": {
                    "normal": 50000,
                    "discounted": 10000,
                    "priceToPay": 8970
    "billing": {
        "paymentOptions": [ 
                "amount": 26910,
                "authType": "AUTH",
                "paymentMethod": "iyzico",
                "providerConfigId": "iyzico1",
                "installmentOption": {"installmentCount": 12, "interestRate": 10}
    "logistics": {
        "zoneId": "zoneA",
        "note": "Not!",
        "doNotRingBell": true,
        "contactlessPayment": true,
        "pools": {
            "type": "CARGO",
            "provider": "MNG",
            "storeId": "pinardepo",
            "fee": 9


You should gather shipment and invoice addresses from Address Service

Cart Summary

You should get cart summary from Cart Service

Billing Options

You should get billing options from Billing Service User should select payment option for each partial payment and specify amount of each partial payment.


You should get shipment pools from Logistics Service

User should select a shipment pool.


        "orderId": string,
        "zoneId": string,
        "ip": string,
        "invoiceAddress": Address,
        "shipmentAddress": Address,
        "profile": {
            "firstName": string,
            "lastName": string,
            "uid": string,
            "phoneNumber": string,
            "emailConfirmed": boolean,
            "acceptedTerms": boolean,
            "emailConfirmedAt": number, // timestamp
            "birthDate": string, // DD/MM/YYYY
            "acceptedKvkk": boolean,
            "email": string,
            "receivePromotionalContent": boolean
        "items": [
                "merchantId": string,
                "variantGroupId": string,
                "itemId": string,
                "product": {
                    "images": ["7208d184-f864-416e-8495-36a7eb897869"],
                    "attributes": [
                            "fieldNameLabel": "CanReturnItem",
                            "attType": "UNKNOWN_TYPE",
                            "fieldName": "CanReturnItem",
                            "valueLabel": "true",
                            "value": true
                            "fieldNameLabel": "Description",
                            "attType": "UNKNOWN_TYPE",
                            "fieldName": "Description",
                            "valueLabel": " description",
                            "value": " description"
                            "fieldNameLabel": "test",
                            "attType": "UNKNOWN_TYPE",
                            "fieldName": "test",
                            "valueLabel": "",
                            "value": ""
                            "fieldNameLabel": "uruncesidi",
                            "attType": "LIST",
                            "fieldName": "uruncesidi",
                            "valueLabel": "",
                            "value": ""
                            "fieldNameLabel": "ItemFeatureBaran",
                            "attType": "UNKNOWN_TYPE",
                            "fieldName": "ItemFeatureBaran",
                            "valueLabel": "",
                            "value": ""
                            "fieldNameLabel": "isVirtual",
                            "attType": "UNKNOWN_TYPE",
                            "fieldName": "isVirtual",
                            "valueLabel": "true",
                            "value": true
                            "fieldNameLabel": "shortDescription",
                            "attType": "TEXT",
                            "fieldName": "shortDescription",
                            "valueLabel": "",
                            "value": ""
                            "badges": [],
                            "listValue": ["demoCat"],
                            "attType": "LIST",
                            "fieldName": "categories",
                            "listValueLabel": ["demoCat"],
                            "valueLabel": "",
                            "fieldNameLabel": "categories",
                            "value": ""
                            "fieldNameLabel": "shortName",
                            "attType": "TEXT",
                            "fieldName": "shortName",
                            "valueLabel": " Product",
                            "value": " Product"
                            "badges": [],
                            "listValue": [],
                            "attType": "LIST",
                            "fieldName": "productdetailIcons",
                            "listValueLabel": [],
                            "valueLabel": "",
                            "fieldNameLabel": "productdetailIcons",
                            "value": ""
                            "fieldNameLabel": "noDiscount",
                            "attType": "UNKNOWN_TYPE",
                            "fieldName": "noDiscount",
                            "valueLabel": "true",
                            "value": true
                            "badges": [],
                            "listValue": [],
                            "attType": "LIST",
                            "fieldName": "productFeature",
                            "listValueLabel": [],
                            "valueLabel": "",
                            "fieldNameLabel": "productFeature",
                            "value": ""
                "price": { "normal": number, "discounted": number, "priceToPay": number },
                "id": "1",
                "storeId": string,
                "status": string // 10: NONE/NORMAL 
                // 20: RETURN, 25: RETURN_ACCEPTED, 30: RETURN_REJECTED
                // 35: REPLACE, 40: REPLACE_ACCEPTED, 45: REPLACE_REJECTED, 50: CANCEL
        "totalPrice": number,
        "totalPriceToPay": number,
        "serviceFeeDiscount": number,
        "discount": number,
        "appliedPromotions": [
                "title": string,
                "appliedDiscount": number,
                "appliedServiceFeeDiscount": number

How To Import

import RBS from '@rettersoft/rbs-sdk'

const result = await rbs.send({
    action: string,
    data: {
        payload: ImportOrder,
    // if you don't send a unique executionId, a sequential identifier will be generated automatically
ImportOrder {
    "setup": [
            "serviceId": "rbs.crm",
            "config": {
                "acceptedKvkk": boolean,
                "acceptedTerms": boolean,
                "birthDate": "DD/MM/YYYY",
                "channel": string,
                "email": string,
                "firstName": string,
                "lastName": string,
                "phoneNumber": string, // 90...
                "segments": string[],
                "userId": string
            "serviceId": "rbs.cart",
            "config": {
                "cartId": string, // if there is no cart information, feel free to put orderId
                "totalPrice": number
            "serviceId": "rbs.address",
            "config": {
                "shipmentAddress": {
                    "city": string,
                    "addressText": string,
                    "lon": number,
                    "addressId": string,
                    "directions": string,
                    "street": string,
                    "district": string,
                    "floor": string,
                    "building": string,
                    "neighborhood": string,
                    "lat": number,
                    "recipient": string,
                    "note": string,
                    "name": string // an easy to remember name
                "invoiceAddress": {
                    "city": string,
                    "addressText": string,
                    "lon": number,
                    "addressId": string,
                    "directions": string,
                    "street": string,
                    "district": string,
                    "floor": string,
                    "building": string,
                    "neighborhood": string,
                    "lat": number,
                    "name": string, // an easy to remember name
                    "companyName": string,
                    "taxNo": string,
                    "taxOffice": string
            "serviceId": "rbs.logistics",
            "config": {
                "zoneId": string,
                "shipmentId": string,
                "pools": {
                    "type": "CARGO",
                    "provider": "CARGO_COMPANY", // UPS, YURTICI, ARAS, etc.
                    "day": "YYYY-MM-DD" // day the shipment given to the cargo company
            "serviceId": "rbs.oms",
            "config": {
                "orderId": string,
                "items": [
                        "merchantId": string,
                        "id": string, // suborder id (unique in this order)
                        "variantGroupId": string,
                        "itemId": string, // product id
                        "price": number,
                        "name": string,
                        "storeId": string,
                        "status": "10"
                        // NONE = '10', RETURN = '20', RETURN_ACCEPTED = '25', RETURN_REJECTED = '30', REPLACE = '35', REPLACE_ACCEPTED = '40', REPLACE_REJECTED = '45', CANCEL = '50'
                "ip": string,
                "createdAt": number

Working With Order Documents

Currently we support 3 types of documents: Invoice (Regular), Invoice (Refund), Waybill.

enum OrderDocumentType {
    INVOICE = 'IN',
    WAYBILL = 'WB',

Documents should have following attributes.

interface OrderDocumentInput {
    type: OrderDocumentType
    id: string // legal identifier of the document
    file: string // compressed (gzip) file content in base64 format

interface OrderDocumentOutput {
    type: OrderDocumentType
    id: string // legal identifier of the document
    file: string // file id from storage service
    createdAt: number

You should call rbs.order.request.ADD_DOCUMENT to add a new document to an existing order. Do not forget to compress file via GZIP algorithm to avoid AWS Lambda request limits (6 MB).

RBS Core does not support binary input. In order to send a file through RBS, you should convert it to base64 format.

    action: 'rbs.order.request.ADD_DOCUMENT',
    data: {
        orderId: 'ORDER_ID',
        document: {
            type: 'IN', // a valid OrderDocumentType
            id: 'DOCUMENT_ID',
            file: 'FILE_CONTENT' // base64 format

Cancel Options

const result = await rbs.send({
    action: 'rbs.order.get.CANCEL_OPTIONS',
    data: {}

Cancel Order

const result = await rbs.send({
    action: 'rbs.process.request.START',
    data: {
      processId: 'CANCEL_ORDER',
      payload: { 
        orderId: 'ORDER_ID',
        reason: 'STRING',
        comment: 'STRING'

Return Items

const result = await rbs.send({
    action: 'rbs.process.request.START',
    data: {
      processId: 'RETURN_ITEMS',
      payload: { 
        orderId: 'ORDER_ID',
        items: {
          ITEM_ID: { reason: STRING, responsible: STRING }

Replace Items

const result = await rbs.send({
    action: 'rbs.process.request.START',
    data: {
      processId: 'REPLACE_ITEMS',
      payload: { 
        orderId: 'ORDER_ID',
        items: {
          ITEM_ID: CartItem

Post Commit Order

You should send actual weight in quantityCoefficient.

    action: 'rbs.process.request.START',
    data: {
        processId: 'ORDER_COMMIT',
        payload: {
            orderId: 'STRING',
            changes: [
                { id: 'SUBORDER_ID', quantityCoefficient: number }