A Motoko implementation of Recursive Length Prefix (RLP).
Add the following to your package-set.dhall
{ name = "rlp"
, version = "master"
, repo = "https://github.com/relaxed04/rlp-motoko"
, dependencies = [] : List Text
Include it in your vessel.dhall
file dependencies:
dependencies = [ "base", "rlp" ],
import RLP "mo:rlp";
import RLPTypes "mo:rlp/types";
import D "mo:base/Debug";
let encoded: RLPTypes.Uint8Array = switch(RLP.encode(#string("dog"))) {
case(#ok(val)) { val };
case(#err(val)) {
D.trap("do something with error");
let decoded: RLPTypes.Decoded = switch(RLP.decode(#Uint8Array(encoded))) {
case(#ok(val)) { val };
case(#err(val)) {
D.trap("do something with error");
let decoded2: RLPTypes.Decoded = switch(RLP.decode(#Uint8Array(Buffer.fromArray<Nat8>([131, 100, 111, 103])))) {
case(#ok(val)) { val };
case(#err(val)) {
D.trap("do something with error");
Both Encode and Decode functions accept an Input
Type definitions for inputs and outputs are located in the /src/types
Tests runner is: testing
To run tests, install npm, and run:
npm run test