- the list dependencies are inside requirements.txt. Run the command
pip install -r requirementx.txt
to install them. Make sure you are on the directory with 'requirements.txt'.
- --kwargs (required)
- this is a necessary before any arguments for filter parameters and location of the the final csv file
- creation_date_range
- Format: start_date-end_date. For each date the format is year/month/day
- Example: creation_date_range=2021/11/02-2022/2/26
- article_id
- Positive Integer
- Example: article_id=71270196 # use in lieu of model number
- save_to (required)
- Location on where to store the csv file.
- Format: path_to_location/filename.csv
- Example:
- save_to=clean_data.csv
- it will store at the same directory as the script.
- save_to=/Users/dlaneejer/Documents/smartish/clean_data.csv
- it will this directory /Users/dlaneejer/Documents/smartish/ with the filename of clean_data.csv
- save_to=clean_data.csv
Run the following comman in this format
python main.py --kwargs creation_date_range=2021/11/02-2022/2/26 article_id=71270196 save_to=clean_data.csv