This open-source repository is to get started quickly with a portal-type application.
Courtesy of
The following tools must be installed on your Windows machine:
- Vagrant ( - We use this as a virtualization tool to run linux as a development server
- VisualStudio Code ( - We use this as an IDE
- Docker ( - We use this as a virtualization tool for deploying the QA and Production environments
- Oracle VirtualBox virtualization environment ( - This is the underlying provider that Vagrant uses to support a virtualized development environment.
In development of this portal template, I leveraged MIT Licensed UI Aargon Dashboard Freeware.
$ /root/
This is the root directory where you cloned the repository. You can name is what ever you like.
$ /root/environments
This is the directory where the Vagrantfile and Vagrant setup is located. Vagrant is specifically helpful in setting up a linux based virtual environment. But, if you're using python on your Windows or Mac, then you can ignore this directory.
$ /root/Graphics
This is the directory where the saw images are located for use within the portal. You can use it to store your raw images as well. Exported PNG or SVG files are located inside the static directory as described later on.
$ /root/portalapp
This is the directory where the django project is located for the portal itself.
$ /root/portalapp/apps
This is the directory contains all the apps that are part of the project. If you add additional apps to your project, use django-admin here to add additional apps.
$ /root/portalapp/core
$ /root/portalapp/apps/static/core
$ /root/portalapp/html5_ui/core
These are the directories that contains all core functionality, static assets like CSS, JS etc and html5-based user interfacee of the portal. It is not recommended to update code in here. This is beacuse you can update the core as new version come to augment functionality for your portal.
$ /root/portalapp/html5_ui
This is the directory contains the HTML5-based theme, and user-interfaces for the app. To create code-specialization segregation, this is where the front-end engineers can focus.
$ /root/portalapp/nginx
$ /root/portalapp/staticfiles
These are system directories. If your hosting environment requires nginx, you can augment your context specific configuration in here. The staticfiles folder holds all the static files here if they are hosted on the app server.
$ /root/portalapp/apps/authentication
$ /root/portalapp/html5_ui/authentication
$ /root/portalapp/apps/sample
$ /root/portalapp/apps/html5_ui/sample
These are applications supplied with this template. The sample app contains example views, models, and urls that demonstrate how to use this framework template. The authentication app faciliates secure user-login and related functionalities.
$ /root/portalapp/apps/main
$ /root/portalapp/static/main
$ /root/portalapp/html5_ui/main
These are the main application directories that are for your context-specific system. This is like the core of your system. You can either develop your entire application in here, or add additional applications using django-admin startapp, but trigger them from main.
This project is designed to be operating system agnostic. It leverages Vagrant and VirtualBox-based virtualization environment to create development application server. Therefore, it is important to make sure that Vagrant is properly installed and operational.
Launch in Command Prompt or Terminal
$ cd/to/the/root/directory
$ cd environments
Launch Vagrant in terminal where we can run the development server
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh
Depending on your system, you may have to wait pass the established time-out.
$ vagrant ssh
$ cd /project_data/
$ cd portalapp
If you get an error here, then try these steps to shutdown vagrant and start it again, otherwise, skip these.
$ exit
$ vagrant halt
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh
Continue if you did not get a directory not found error on cd portalapp, install the requirements using PIP:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Make migrations and collect static files
$ python3 makemigrations
$ python3 collectstatic --no-input
Enter 'yes' to continue loading up the static files.
$ python migrate
$ python runserver
Now open up a web-browser, and go to http://localhost/
To start a new portal project, you must first create a new git repository where base off the code from here. Once you've created your own git repository, and cloned the code from here, you can then get started with the following steps:
If you upgrade the portal template, you will only upgrade the core, so the main application is for your to use. Therefore you start by first updating the configuration in the main/
This area is still pending.
To run the application smoothly, some seed data has to be loaded. The core comes with some Seed Data already. To load seed data for core only:
$ python createsuperuser
Follow the steps and create a user and give this user a strong password. This is the user account that will be used to create SeedData below
$ python3 shell
$ from core.SeedData.Loader import SeedDataLoader
$ SeedDataLoader.load(True)
Now, load application settings that we described earlier in Main App
$ from apps.main.apps load ApplicationSettings
$ ApplicationSettings.load()