I'm a full-stack Javascript developer who likes to break things and create open source projects for fun.
- Hackerone: https://hackerone.com/real2two?type=user
- Discord: https://discord.com/users/276497792526974996
I'm currently working on few projects, which aren't listed here. :)
A Discord bot where you can create your own RPGs. This project has over 20k+ lines of code.
- Website: https://customrpg.xyz
- Discord support server: https://discord.gg/6meyZ56Vb6
- Bots.GG: https://discord.bots.gg/bots/716102473718169680
- Top.GG: https://top.gg/bot/716102473718169680
(caching for discordeno): https://github.com/AwesomeStickz/dd-cache-proxy β€ I updated the library to Discordeno v19.ptero-notes
(better documentations for Pterodactyl Panel's API): https://github.com/devnote-dev/ptero-notes β€ I reverse engineered and documented the panel's/api/remote
(client area): https://github.com/votion-Development/Dashactyl-0.4