Homegrown home hosted sound cloud
Required Env Vars
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: AKIAxxxxxxxxxxxx AWS_S3_BUCKET: <bucket name> - defaults to selectors_choice AWS_CLOUD_FRONT_DOMAIN: d123123123 - do not include `cloudfront.net` AWS_KEY_PAIR_ID: <id of aws key pair for origin access identity> AWS_REGION: <region> - e.g. us-east-1 AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: xxxxxxxxxxxxx # for local dev you can include AWS_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE: < path to the origin access identity pk-key.pem file > # for heroku you need to include the contents of the aforementioned file # with `\n` where you want newlines. the app will replace `\n` with # after reading the env var AWS_PRIVATE_KEY: 'begin -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n...'