UsageAnalyzer is a usage log analyzer for HPC schedulers that uses the Hadoop open source framework for data analysis. will process PBS torque usage logs and will sum by month the time per group for all jobs that ended. will process OGE/SGE usage logs and will sum by month the time per group for all jobs that ended.
Remember to add hadoop binaries and libraries to your paths before compiling. Copy and edit the example script for your environment. The installation and run steps will depend on your environment. We will use the following general variables as placeholders for a general example:
$(L_JOB_TYPE) = pbs, oge
$(HADOOP_HOME) = path/to/hadoop/installation
$(HADOOP_VER) = hadoop-2.8.0, etc.
$(SUBMIT_CMD) = qsub, etc.
UsageAnalyzer expects the following file directory structure:
git clone
cd UsageAnalyzer/
module load $(HADOOP_HOME)/$(HADOOP_VER)
hadoop jar $(L_JOB_TYPE).jar $(JOB_TYPE)Time ../$(JOB_TYPE).input/ ../$(JOB_TYPE).output/
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=24
#PBS -l walltime=4:00:00
#PBS -q normal
cd ~/UsageAnalyzer/
rm -rf ../PBS.output/
module load $(HADOOP_HOME)/hadoop-x.x.x
hadoop jar pbs.jar PBSTime ../PBS.input/ ../PBS.output/