This is a boilerplate project demonstrating the use of the RTPoet library and its PapyrusRT plugin.
git clone
Generate a Github Personal Access Token. You only need the read:packages permission.
Append the following to
Note: Never push the modified to Github. For security reasons, Github will disable your access token and you will have to generate a new one.
./gradlew build
KotlinExample.kt demonstrates the use of RTPoet using Kotlin. Use the command below to run the example.
./gradlew runKotlin demonstrates the use of RTPoet using Java. Use the command below to run the example.
./gradlew runJava
Refer to the RTPoet repository for details regarding the generic RTModel data structure for UML-RT models. The repository also implements helpers to copy, equate and diff , and validate RTModels.
Refer to RTPoet's Papyrus-RT plugin repository for Papyrus-RT specific operations such as reading and writing Papyrus-RT models, Papyrus-RT primitive types , and RTS specific protocols and classes .