This is the Crowd Control mod for Mari0: AE (which itself is a mod of Mari0).
To test effects, you'll want to download the Crowd Control SDK. In the SDK, click Load Pack Source, select Mari0.cs, click Connect, then open the game or press F9. You will now be able to use the SDK to send effects! Also check out Effects -> Autopilot to send random effects every second (though note this feature is pretty buggy).
To create a new effect, you'll want to use the function cc_ack(effect: string) -> boolean
to check if an effect is
active. Note that this method will mark the requested effects as having succeeded and thus will consume the purchaser's
coins, so please be careful to only call this method when you're certain the effect can be applied.
To use an effect, it needs to be defined in the game pack (Mari0.cs) file, namely in the Effects variable. A typical
effect looks something like:
new("Display Name", "code_name") { Price = 50, Duration = 15, Category = "Player", Description = "Does a thing!" },
Note that the price and duration fields are just defaults that streamers can change.
Also note that the category is an optional field for narrowing down the list of effects. It can be whatever you want,
even new("Multiple", "Categories")
This mod was created by: