Hey, Thanks for dropping by.... This is my personal setup of hyrpland Window Manager and other utilities.
- Window Manager: hyprland
- Text Editor: Neovim
- Music Player: Mpv or Ncmpcpp
- Bar: Waybar
- Shell: starship
- notification daemon: dunst
- GUI Editor: Vscode
- Terminal Emulator: foot, Alacritty
- App Launcher: Rofi ibonn wayland fork
- Startpage: startpage-catppuccin
- Iosevka (IosevkaTermSlab Nerd Font & Iosevka Mayukai Codepro)
- Madness.ttf
- font-awesome
- Material Design Icons
- Clone this repository to your $HOME dir.
After you're done with cloning the repository. Install the following packages
hyprland waybar rofi foot alacritty hyprpicker azote maim ranger ncmpcpp mpd wofi.
Don't forget to copy fonts/ to your ~/.local/share/fonts/ directory.
After you're done with all this, copy the configuration files from cloned directory to particular path.
- Catppuccin colorscheme which I've used in my rice.
- I am using IosevkaTermSlab font and a Custom font called Iosevka Mayukai.
- I'm using an utility called azote to change wallpapers.
- My other Dotfiles can be found in the bspwm-dots, xmonad and DWM source files.