Permutes words. Inspired by Memoria Romana, from Fogwill.
{:ok, xs, count} = Fogwill.mind 'argentino'
# ["argentino", "argention", "argentnio", "argentnoi", "argentoin", "argentoni",
# "argenitno", "argeniton", "argeninto", "argeninot", "argeniotn", "argeniont",
# "argenntio", "argenntoi", "argennito", "argenniot", "argennoti", "argennoit",
# "argenotin", "argenotni", "argenoitn", "argenoint", "argenonti", "argenonit",
# "argetnino", "argetnion", "argetnnio", "argetnnoi", "argetnoin", "argetnoni",
# "argetinno", "argetinon", "argetinno", "argetinon", "argetionn", "argetionn",
# "argetnino", "argetnion", "argetnnio", "argetnnoi", "argetnoin", "argetnoni",
# "argetonin", "argetonni", "argetoinn", "argetoinn", "argetonin", "argetonni",
# ...], 362880}
escribir_algo = fn ws ->
|> w ->
{:ok, words, _} = Fogwill.mind(w)
words |> Enum.random()
#Function<7.91303403/1 in :erl_eval.expr/5>
['hola', 'mundo'] |> escribir_algo.()
#["loha", "mndou"]
Operating System: macOS
CPU Information: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz
Number of Available Cores: 8
Available memory: 16 GB
Elixir 1.10.4
Erlang 23.0.2
Benchmark suite executing with the following configuration:
warmup: 2 s
time: 2 s
memory time: 0 ns
parallel: 1
inputs: Aira, Benesdra, Borges, Gomez, Levrero
Estimated total run time: 40 s
Benchmarking Concurrent with input Aira...
Benchmarking Concurrent with input Benesdra...
Benchmarking Concurrent with input Borges...
Benchmarking Concurrent with input Gomez...
Benchmarking Concurrent with input Levrero...
Benchmarking Recursive with input Aira...
Benchmarking Recursive with input Benesdra...
Benchmarking Recursive with input Borges...
Benchmarking Recursive with input Gomez...
Benchmarking Recursive with input Levrero...
##### With input Aira #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
Recursive 61.01 K 16.39 μs ±58.42% 15 μs 43 μs
Concurrent 18.23 K 54.84 μs ±18.62% 53 μs 98 μs
Recursive 61.01 K
Concurrent 18.23 K - 3.35x slower +38.45 μs
##### With input Benesdra #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
Concurrent 45.84 21.81 ms ±6.92% 21.63 ms 27.09 ms
Recursive 20.10 49.74 ms ±11.15% 49.08 ms 62.18 ms
Concurrent 45.84
Recursive 20.10 - 2.28x slower +27.93 ms
##### With input Borges #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
Recursive 1.49 K 672.93 μs ±13.06% 638 μs 988.50 μs
Concurrent 1.44 K 692.71 μs ±9.51% 675 μs 947.68 μs
Recursive 1.49 K
Concurrent 1.44 K - 1.03x slower +19.77 μs
##### With input Gomez #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
Recursive 10.90 K 91.75 μs ±17.67% 87 μs 163 μs
Concurrent 5.14 K 194.47 μs ±17.97% 201 μs 304 μs
Recursive 10.90 K
Concurrent 5.14 K - 2.12x slower +102.72 μs
##### With input Levrero #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
Concurrent 308.26 3.24 ms ±8.16% 3.20 ms 4.19 ms
Recursive 196.91 5.08 ms ±22.17% 5.00 ms 6.24 ms
Concurrent 308.26
Recursive 196.91 - 1.57x slower +1.83 ms
The package can be installed by adding fogwill
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:fogwill, "~> 0.1.0"}