A library of weather calculations.
- Agnostic to input source, hook it up in any project
- I/O in SI units (International System of Units)
- Formulas and algorithms off Wikipedia with 1:1 variable naming
- All algorithms are automatically tested
- Use provided or custom valuation sets
$ npm install weather-formulas
const WF = require('weather-formulas');
const TEMPERATURE = 300, HUMIDITY = 60, WINDSPEED = 10; //300 Kelvin, 60% Relative Humidity, 10 M/S
let dewPointMF = WF.dewPointMagnusFormula(TEMPERATURE, HUMIDITY);
let dewPointAF = WF.dewPointArdenBuckEquation(TEMPERATURE, HUMIDITY);
let windChill = WF.windChillIndex(TEMPERATURE, WINDSPEED);
let apparentTemperature = WF.australianAapparentTemperature(TEMPERATURE, HUMIDITY, WINDSPEED);
let heatIndex = WF.heatIndex(TEMPERATURE, HUMIDITY);
let heatIndexText = WF.heatIndexText(heatIndex); //output heat index threshold and warning text
let humidex = WF.humidex(TEMPERATURE, HUMIDITY);
let humidexText = WF.humidexText(humidex); //output humidex threshold and warning text
Advanced examples
Use a provided valuation set
const valuationSet = temperature.DEW_POINT_VALUATIONS.DAVID_BOLTON;
const actual = temperature.dewPointMagnusFormula(TEMPERATURE, HUMIDITY, valuationSet);
Use a custom valuation set
const valuationSet = { a: 6, b: 17, c: 250, d: 234.5 }; //these values are made up for the sake of example
const actual = temperature.dewPointArdenBuckEquation(TEMPERATURE, HUMIDITY, valuationSet);
Please feel free to contribute by creating a Pull Request with test code.