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with fishtest data of Sept. 2 2020

closes #3095

No functional change
  • Loading branch information
vondele committed Sep 2, 2020
1 parent be87517 commit aa2de71
Showing 1 changed file with 169 additions and 150 deletions.
319 changes: 169 additions & 150 deletions Top CPU Contributors.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,154 +1,173 @@
Contributors with >10,000 CPU hours as of January 7, 2020
Contributors with >10,000 CPU hours as of Sept 2, 2020
Thank you!

Username CPU Hours Games played
noobpwnftw 9305707 695548021
mlang 780050 61648867
dew 621626 43921547
mibere 524702 42238645
crunchy 354587 27344275
cw 354495 27274181
fastgm 332801 22804359
JojoM 295750 20437451
CSU_Dynasty 262015 21828122
Fisherman 232181 18939229
ctoks 218866 17622052
glinscott 201989 13780820
tvijlbrief 201204 15337115
velislav 188630 14348485
gvreuls 187164 15149976
bking_US 180289 11876016
nordlandia 172076 13467830
leszek 157152 11443978
Thanar 148021 12365359
spams 141975 10319326
drabel 138073 11121749
vdv 137850 9394330
mgrabiak 133578 10454324
TueRens 132485 10878471
bcross 129683 11557084
marrco 126078 9356740
sqrt2 125830 9724586
robal 122873 9593418
vdbergh 120766 8926915
malala 115926 8002293
CoffeeOne 114241 5004100
dsmith 113189 7570238
BrunoBanani 104644 7436849
Data 92328 8220352
mhoram 89333 6695109
davar 87924 7009424
xoto 81094 6869316
ElbertoOne 80899 7023771
grandphish2 78067 6160199
brabos 77212 6186135
psk 75733 5984901
BRAVONE 73875 5054681
sunu 70771 5597972
sterni1971 70605 5590573
MaZePallas 66886 5188978
Vizvezdenec 63708 4967313
nssy 63462 5259388
jromang 61634 4940891
teddybaer 61231 5407666
Pking_cda 60099 5293873
solarlight 57469 5028306
dv8silencer 56913 3883992
tinker 54936 4086118
renouve 49732 3501516
Freja 49543 3733019
robnjr 46972 4053117
rap 46563 3219146
Bobo1239 46036 3817196
ttruscott 45304 3649765
racerschmacer 44881 3975413
finfish 44764 3370515
eva42 41783 3599691
biffhero 40263 3111352
bigpen0r 39817 3291647
mhunt 38871 2691355
ronaldjerum 38820 3240695
Antihistamine 38785 2761312
pb00067 38038 3086320
speedycpu 37591 3003273
rkl 37207 3289580
VoyagerOne 37050 3441673
jbwiebe 35320 2805433
cuistot 34191 2146279
homyur 33927 2850481
manap 32873 2327384
gri 32538 2515779
oryx 31267 2899051
EthanOConnor 30959 2090311
SC 30832 2730764
csnodgrass 29505 2688994
jmdana 29458 2205261
strelock 28219 2067805
jkiiski 27832 1904470
Pyafue 27533 1902349
Garf 27515 2747562
eastorwest 27421 2317535
slakovv 26903 2021889
Prcuvu 24835 2170122
anst 24714 2190091
hyperbolic.tom 24319 2017394
Patrick_G 23687 1801617
Sharaf_DG 22896 1786697
nabildanial 22195 1519409
chriswk 21931 1868317
achambord 21665 1767323
Zirie 20887 1472937
team-oh 20217 1636708
Isidor 20096 1680691
ncfish1 19931 1520927
nesoneg 19875 1463031
Spprtr 19853 1548165
JanErik 19849 1703875
agg177 19478 1395014
SFTUser 19231 1567999
xor12 19017 1680165
sg4032 18431 1641865
rstoesser 18118 1293588
MazeOfGalious 17917 1629593
j3corre 17743 941444
cisco2015 17725 1690126
ianh2105 17706 1632562
dex 17678 1467203
jundery 17194 1115855
iisiraider 17019 1101015
horst.prack 17012 1465656
Adrian.Schmidt123 16563 1281436
purplefishies 16342 1092533
wei 16274 1745989
ville 16144 1384026
eudhan 15712 1283717
OuaisBla 15581 972000
DragonLord 15559 1162790
dju 14716 875569
chris 14479 1487385
0xB00B1ES 14079 1001120
OssumOpossum 13776 1007129
enedene 13460 905279
bpfliegel 13346 884523
Ente 13198 1156722
IgorLeMasson 13087 1147232
jpulman 13000 870599
ako027ako 12775 1173203
Nikolay.IT 12352 1068349
Andrew Grant 12327 895539
joster 12008 950160
AdrianSA 11996 804972
Nesa92 11455 1111993
fatmurphy 11345 853210
Dark_wizzie 11108 1007152
modolief 10869 896470
mschmidt 10757 803401
infinity 10594 727027
mabichito 10524 749391
Thomas A. Anderson 10474 732094
thijsk 10431 719357
Flopzee 10339 894821
crocogoat 10104 1013854
SapphireBrand 10104 969604
stocky 10017 699440
noobpwnftw 19352969 1231459677
mlang 957168 61657446
dew 949885 56893432
mibere 703817 46865007
crunchy 427035 27344275
cw 416006 27521077
JojoM 415904 24479564
fastgm 404873 23953472
CSU_Dynasty 335774 22850550
tvijlbrief 335199 21871270
Fisherman 325053 21786603
gvreuls 311480 20751516
ctoks 275877 18710423
velislav 241267 15596372
glinscott 217799 13780820
nordlandia 211692 13484886
bcross 206213 14934233
bking_US 198894 11876016
leszek 189170 11446821
mgrabiak 183896 11778092
drabel 181408 12489478
TueRens 181349 12192000
Thanar 179852 12365359
vdv 175171 9881246
robal 166948 10702862
spams 157128 10319326
marrco 149947 9376421
sqrt2 147963 9724586
vdbergh 137041 8926915
CoffeeOne 136294 5004100
malala 136182 8002293
mhoram 128934 8177193
davar 122092 7960001
dsmith 122059 7570238
xoto 119696 8222144
grandphish2 116481 7582197
Data 113305 8220352
BrunoBanani 112960 7436849
ElbertoOne 99028 7023771
MaZePallas 98571 6362619
brabos 92118 6186135
psk 89957 5984901
sunu 88463 6007033
sterni1971 86948 5613788
Vizvezdenec 83752 5343724
BRAVONE 81239 5054681
nssy 76497 5259388
teddybaer 75125 5407666
Pking_cda 73776 5293873
jromang 70695 4940891
solarlight 70517 5028306
dv8silencer 70287 3883992
Bobo1239 68515 4652287
racerschmacer 67468 4935996
manap 66273 4121774
tinker 63458 4213726
linrock 59082 4516053
robnjr 57262 4053117
Freja 56938 3733019
ttruscott 56005 3679485
renouve 53811 3501516
cuistot 52532 3014920
finfish 51360 3370515
eva42 51272 3599691
rkl 50759 3840947
rap 49985 3219146
pb00067 49727 3298270
ronaldjerum 47654 3240695
bigpen0r 47278 3291647
biffhero 46564 3111352
VoyagerOne 45386 3445881
speedycpu 43842 3003273
jbwiebe 43305 2805433
Antihistamine 41788 2761312
mhunt 41735 2691355
eastorwest 40387 2812173
homyur 39893 2850481
gri 39871 2515779
oryx 38228 2941656
0x3C33 37773 2529097
SC 37290 2731014
csnodgrass 36207 2688994
jmdana 36108 2205261
strelock 34716 2074055
Garf 33800 2747562
EthanOConnor 33370 2090311
slakovv 32915 2021889
Spprtr 32591 2139601
Prcuvu 30377 2170122
anst 30301 2190091
jkiiski 30136 1904470
hyperbolic.tom 29840 2017394
Pyafue 29650 1902349
OuaisBla 27629 1578000
chriswk 26902 1868317
achambord 26582 1767323
Patrick_G 26276 1801617
yorkman 26193 1992080
SFTUser 25182 1675689
nabildanial 24942 1519409
Sharaf_DG 24765 1786697
ncfish1 24411 1520927
agg177 23890 1395014
JanErik 23408 1703875
Isidor 23388 1680691
Norabor 22976 1587862
cisco2015 22880 1759669
Zirie 22542 1472937
team-oh 22272 1636708
MazeOfGalious 21978 1629593
sg4032 21945 1643065
ianh2105 21725 1632562
xor12 21628 1680365
dex 21612 1467203
nesoneg 21494 1463031
horst.prack 20878 1465656
0xB00B1ES 20590 1208666
j3corre 20405 941444
Adrian.Schmidt123 20316 1281436
wei 19973 1745989
rstoesser 19569 1293588
eudhan 19274 1283717
Ente 19070 1373058
jundery 18445 1115855
iisiraider 18247 1101015
ville 17883 1384026
chris 17698 1487385
purplefishies 17595 1092533
DragonLord 17014 1162790
dju 16515 929427
IgorLeMasson 16064 1147232
ako027ako 15671 1173203
Nikolay.IT 15154 1068349
Andrew Grant 15114 895539
yurikvelo 15027 1165616
OssumOpossum 14857 1007129
enedene 14476 905279
bpfliegel 14298 884523
jpulman 13982 870599
joster 13794 950160
Nesa92 13786 1114691
Dark_wizzie 13422 1007152
Hjax 13350 900887
Fifis 13313 965473
mabichito 12903 749391
thijsk 12886 722107
crocogoat 12876 1048802
AdrianSA 12860 804972
Flopzee 12698 894821
fatmurphy 12547 853210
SapphireBrand 12416 969604
modolief 12386 896470
scuzzi 12362 833465
pgontarz 12151 848794
stocky 11954 699440
mschmidt 11941 803401
infinity 11470 727027
torbjo 11387 728873
Thomas A. Anderson 11372 732094
snicolet 11106 869170
amicic 10779 733593
rpngn 10712 688203
d64 10680 771144
basepi 10637 744851
jjoshua2 10559 670905
dzjp 10343 732529
ols 10259 570669
lbraesch 10252 647825

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