Async formatting and linting utility for neovim 0.10+
- Async and blazingly fast
- Builtin support for popular formatters and linters
- Minimal API allowing for full customization
- Light-weight
For rocks.nvim
Rocks install guard.nvim
For lazy.nvim
-- lazy load by ft
ft = { "lua", "c", "markdown" },
-- Builtin configuration, optional
dependencies = {
To register formatters and linters:
local ft = require('guard.filetype')
-- Assuming you have guard-collection
-- Put this in your ftplugin/lang.lua to lazy load guard
-- change this anywhere in your config (or not), these are the defaults
vim.g.guard_config = {
-- format on write to buffer
fmt_on_save = true,
-- use lsp if no formatter was defined for this filetype
lsp_as_default_formatter = false,
-- whether or not to save the buffer after formatting
save_on_fmt = true,
-- automatic linting
auto_lint = true,
-- how frequently can linters be called
lint_interval = 500
- Use
Guard fmt
to manually call format, when there is a visual selection only the selection is formatted. NOTE: Regional formatting is best-effort, expect inconsistencies. enable-fmt
turns auto formatting on and off for the current buffer.- Use
Guard Lint
to lint manually. enable-lint
controls auto linting for the current buffer.
Format c files with clang-format and lint with clang-tidy:
Or use lsp to format lua files first, then format with stylua, then lint with selene:
Register multiple filetypes to a single linter or formatter:
Lint all your files with codespell
-- NB: this does not work with formatters
You can also easily create your own configuration that's not in guard-collection
, see
For more niche use cases, demonstrates how to:
- Write your own formatting logic using the
field. - Write your own linting logic using the
field. - Leverage guard's autocmds to create a formatting status indicator.
- Creating a dynamic formatter that respects neovom tab/space settings.