LighterPack is a website to track the gear you take on adventures. It is still in Beta.
LighterPack is built on a node.js/jQuery/vanillaJS/mongo stack.
- Install node.js, npm and mongo
$ git clone
- Create a config.js and extIds.txt based on the wiki:
- Install dependancies
$ npm install
- start mongo
$ mongod
- Start app
$ node app.js
- go to http://localhost:3000
- Install Vagrant and VirtualBox
- Download Vagrantfile and from vagrant folder to a folder on your local machine
- Run $ vagrant up in the folder where you downloaded the two files.
- Create a config.js and extIds.txt in /var/www/lighterpack based on the wiki:
- Install dependencies $ sudo npm install
- Start app $ nodejs app.js
You can then ssh to the machine on port 2222 or open a web browser to http://localhost:8080.
- Install docker
- sudo docker run --name lighterpack-run --privileged=true -p 8080:3000 madrussian/lighterpack
Go to http://localhost:8080
sudo docker exec -it lighterpack-run /bin/bash
- sudo docker stop lighterpack-run
- sudo docker rm lighterpack-run
NOTE: The docker rm is done so that a future run can use the same name.
- Migrate to postgres document store from mongo
- Split up LESS files into more logical files (using LESS imports to keep the same # of .css files)
- Split up edit.js somehow + setup a build step to concat files back together