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nf-nomad plugin

This plugin implements a Nextflow executor for Hashicorp Nomad.


Please note that this is a community contributed plugin and is a collaboration between

  1. Abhinav Sharma (@abhi18av) as part of his PhD work at the Stellenbosch University and Jorge Aguilera (@jagedn) as a contributor from Evaluacion y desarrollo de negocios, Spain.
  2. Tomas (@tomiles) and his team from Center For Medical Genetics Ghent, Belgium.

The contribution roles during the development of initial plugin and testing along with the long term commitments have been discussed in development and infrastructure group.

Feel free to reach out to us on the #platform-nomad channel on Slack for discussions and feedbacks.

Plugin Assets

  • settings.gradle

    Gradle project settings.

  • plugins/nf-nomad

    The plugin implementation base directory.

  • plugins/nf-nomad/build.gradle

    Plugin Gradle build file. Project dependencies should be added here.

  • plugins/nf-nomad/src/resources/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF

    Manifest file defining the plugin attributes e.g. name, version, etc. The attribute Plugin-Class declares the plugin main class. This class should extend the base class nextflow.plugin.BasePlugin e.g. nextflow.Nomad.NomadPlugin.

  • plugins/nf-nomad/src/resources/META-INF/extensions.idx

    This file declares one or more extension classes provided by the plugin. Each line should contain the fully qualified name of a Java class that implements the org.pf4j.ExtensionPoint interface (or a sub-interface).

  • plugins/nf-nomad/src/main

    The plugin implementation sources.

  • plugins/nf-nomad/src/test

    The plugin unit tests.


ExtensionPoint is the basic interface which uses nextflow-core to integrate plugins into it. It's only a basic interface and serves as starting point for more specialized extensions.

Unit testing

Run the following command in the project root directory (ie. where the file settings.gradle is located):

./gradlew check

Testing and debugging

To run and test the plugin in a development environment, configure a local Nextflow build with the following steps:

  1. Clone the Nextflow repository in your computer into a sibling directory:

    git clone --depth 1 _resources/nextflow
  2. Generate the nextflow class path

    cd _resources/nextflow && ./gradlew exportClasspath
  3. Compile the plugin alongside the Nextflow code:

    cd ../../ && ./gradlew compileGroovy
  4. Run Nextflow with the plugin, using ./ as a drop-in replacement for the nextflow command, and adding the option -plugins nf-nomad to load the plugin:

    ./ run -plugins nf-nomad

Package, upload and publish

The project should be hosted in a GitHub repository whose name should match the name of the plugin, that is the name of the directory in the plugins folder (e.g. nf-nomad).

Follow these steps to package, upload and publish the plugin:

  1. Create a file named in the project root containing the following attributes (this file should not be committed to Git):

    • github_organization: the GitHub organisation where the plugin repository is hosted.
  2. Use the following steps to package and create a release for your plugin on GitHub:

    • set the desired version value in and commit the change in the master branch
    • tag the repo with the version
    • push all changes (the tag fill fire the release GH action)

    Once the action is finished a new release is created and all related artifacts attached to it

  3. Create a pull request against nextflow-io/plugins to make the plugin accessible to Nextflow.

    Use the json file created in previous steps