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This grammar implements the vimdoc "spec" (ref1, ref2). Predictable results are the primary goal, so that output formats (e.g. HTML) are well-formed; the input (vimdoc) is secondary. The first step should always be to try to fix the input rather than insist on a grammar that handles vimdoc's endless quirks.


  • block is the main top-level node, delimited by blank line(s) or any line starting with < (codeblock terminator).
    • contains line and line_li nodes.
  • line:
    • contains atoms (words, tags, taglinks, …)
    • contains headings (h1, h2, h3, column_heading) because codeblock terminated by "implicit stop" (no terminating <) consumes blank lines, so block has no way to end.
  • line_li ("listitem")
    • lines starting with -/ (not +/*) are listitems.
    • consumes lines until blank line, codeblock, or next listitem.
    • nesting is ignored: indented listitems are parsed as siblings.
  • codeblock:
    • contained by line or line_li, because ">" can start a codeblock at the end of any line.
    • contains line nodes without word nodes: it's just the full raw text line including whitespace. This is somewhat dictated by its "preformatted" nature; parsing the contents would require loading a "child" language (injection). See #2.
    • the terminating < (and any following whitespace) is discarded (anonymous).
  • h1 = "Heading 1": ====== followed by text and optional *tags*.
  • h2 = "Heading 2": ------ followed by text and optional *tags*.
  • h3 = "Heading 3": UPPERCASE WORDS, followed by optional *tags*, followed by atoms.

Known issues

  • Input must end with newline/EOL (\n). Grammar does not support files without EOL.
  • Input must end with a blank line. Though this doesn't seem to matter in practice.
  • Spec requires that codeblock delimiter ">" must be preceded by a space (" >"), not a tab. But currently the grammar doesn't enforce this. Example: :help lcs-tab.
  • url doesn't handle surrounding parens. E.g. ( yields word
  • url doesn't handle nested parens. E.g. (
  • column_heading currently only recognizes tilde ~ preceded by space (i.e. foo ~ not foo~). This covers 99% of :help files.
  • column_heading children should be plaintext, but currently are parsed as $._atom.
  • modeline must be preceded by a blank line.


  • tag_heading : line(s) containing only tags, typically implies a "heading" before a block.


Steps to perform a release:

  1. Bump and tag the version:

    First bump Cargo.toml, pyproject.toml, and Makefile to the new version. Then bump the package:

    npm version patch -m "release %s"

    Choose patch/minor/major to indicate query compatibility:

    • patch for bugfixes (no changes to queries needed)
    • minor for added nodes (queries may need changes to use new nodes but will not error)
    • major for removed or renamed nodes (queries will error if not adapted), other breaking changes
  2. Bump to prerelease, without creating a tag:

    npm version --no-git-tag-version prerelease --preid dev
    git add package*.json Cargo.toml pyproject.toml Makefile
    git commit -m bump
  3. Push:

    git push && git push --tags
  4. Release the tagged commit: