The magic of Google Autocomplete while you're typing. Anywhere.
Anycomplete is an extension for Hammerspoon. Once Hammerspoon is installed, you can install the Autocomplete Spoon:
$ git clone ~/.hammerspoon/Spoons/Anycomplete.spoon
To initialize, add to ~/.hammerspoon/init.lua
(creating it if it does not exist):
anycomplete = hs.loadSpoon("Anycomplete")
Reload the Hammerspoon config.
Trigger with the hotkey ⌃⌥⌘G
. Once you start typing, suggestions will populate.
They can be choosen with ⌘1-9
or by pressing the arrow keys and Enter.
Pressing ⌘C
copies the selected item to the clipboard.
The hotkey can be changed by passing an argument to
call (in your ~/.hammerspoon/init.lua
such as:
anycomplete:bindHotkeys({{"cmd", "ctrl"}, "L"})
Google might block your IP address if you use this. See #26.
No keystrokes are sent to Google until you trigger the hotkey and start typing. If you prefer DuckDuckGo,
set the engine
anycomplete = hs.loadSpoon("Anycomplete")
anycomplete.engine = "duckduckgo"