Wordle is taking Twitter by storm, so I decided to take this opportunity to make something fun and slightly useful and learn how to make a Chrome extension. You can download the Chrome extension here.
The extension will narrow down the possible words based on the game state. Click on the extension to see the count and list of possible answer words remaining. The list of possible answers will update as you enter guesses.
You can download the Chrome extension here, or you can clone the repo and load it as an unpacked extension. Please leave a review if you enjoy the extension!
Both dark mode and high contrast mode are supported based on the settings used on Wordle.
Once the extension is ready for publishing, you need to zip the file up for upload to the Chrome Web Store via the Developer Console, which can be done via the following command from the project root:
zip wordle-helper.zip -r * -x .git/* -x *.png -x LICENSE -x README.md
From there upload the zip file to the devconsole and begin the review process. Don't forget to bump the version number in manifest.json!