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Linear-Time Algorithms for Front-Door Adjustment in Causal Graphs

This repository is the official implementation of Linear-Time Algorithms for Front-Door Adjustment in Causal Graphs. In particular, it contains the code to replicate the experimental results discussed in the paper.

If you are mainly interested in the implementations of our linear-time algorithms (Alg. 2 and 3 of the paper), the ones in Python and Julia are given in, as well as frontdoor.jl, minimal.jl (the JavaScript implementations are directly integrated with DAGitty under external/dagitty, however using the experimental version of DAGitty directly might be easier).

The Julia implementations (and many additional functionalities) are also available via the package CausalInference.jl. Anyone interested in integrating the Python implementations into one of the Causality packages, feel free to contact me.

As we compare implementations in Julia, Python (ours and the ones given by Jeong et al.) and JavaScript, quite a few things have to be set up in order to run the experiments. This directory, however, should contain everything necessary except for:

  • A Julia installation with dependencies specified below.
  • A Python 3 installation with dependencies specified below.
  • A Node.js and npm installation with dependencies specified below.

Installation of the dependencies:

  • Run pip install -r requirements_py.txt and julia requirements.jl in this directory.
  • Run cat requirements_js.txt | xargs npm install in external/dagitty/jslib (our JavaScript implementation needs Dagitty to run, of which we provide a fork under external/dagitty; see for the original dagitty package).
  • Run pip install -r requirements_py.txt in external/FrontdoorAdjustmentSets/ (this contains the code by Jeong et al., slightly modified to integrate with our experiments; see the original package here:

The Julia file time_experiments.jl starts the run time comparison of the various algorithms (it can be called via command line by julia time_experiments.jl). The results are written to results/timeresults.ans and results/timefullresults.ans. Running the full experiments takes a few days.

In case there are errors it may help to check for each of the programs separately if it runs correctly. Below is a short description how to do that for each by calling the given command from this directory:

  • findpy: python3 instances/
  • minpy: python3 instances/
  • jtbpy: python3 external/FrontdoorAdjustmentSets/ find external/FrontdoorAdjustmentSets/graphs/fig1a.txt
  • findjs: node external/dagitty/jslib/dagitty-node.js instances/
  • minjs: node external/dagitty/jslib/dagitty-node-min.js instances/
  • findjl: julia exec_run.jl frontdoor findjl instances/
  • minjl: julia exec_run.jl frontdoor minjl instances/

In case you are not able to run one of the programs, you can remove them from the algorithms list (line 4 of time_experiments.jl), so that at least the other programs/methods are executed.

The experiments concerning the size of the maximal/minimal FD set and the ratio of identified instances can be started by running julia ratio_experiments.jl and should need no further setup. The results are written to results/ratioresults.ans.

The plots of all experimental results and the raw experimental data (in text files) are provided under results/plotsandresults/.

The results of your runs will be stored directly in directory results/.


Linear-Time Algorithm for Finding Front-Door Adjustment Sets








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