docker network create --driver bridge trial-net
docker volume create randi-db-data
docker volume create randi-data
We hook it up to the randi-db-data and the randi-net Must be postgres 9.5 Make sure you change the password in this command.
docker run --name=randi-db -d -v randi-db-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=MASTER_PG_PASSWORD_CHANGE_ME --network trial-net postgres:9.5
Thid makes the database for RANDI and sets a password Make sure you change the password in this command.
docker exec randi-db su postgres -c $'psql -c "CREATE ROLE randi LOGIN ENCRYPTED PASSWORD \'RANDI2_DB_PASSWORD_CHANGE_ME\' SUPERUSER NOINHERIT NOCREATEDB NOCREATEROLE" && psql -c "CREATE DATABASE randi WITH ENCODING=\'UTF8\' OWNER=randi" && echo "host all randi md5" >> $PGDATA/pg_hba.conf && /usr/lib/postgresql/$PG_MAJOR/bin/pg_ctl reload -D $PGDATA'
git clone
docker build -t randi .
docker run --name=randi -d -v randi-data:/ -p 82:8080 --network trial-net randi
Goto http://ip_address:82/randi
The server address (which you enter on the 1st and 2nd page): randi-db Database type: postgres (not mysql). The database: randi The user: randi The pass: What you set it to.
Fill in junk for the mail server (unless you have one). Make sure you set up a user (it lets you skip it, but I can't then see how to add one).
plugin location: /
Do not bother to move the data directory (as it doesn't contain the config). All the data is in the database. Just start it up on a new server and fill in the questions again. Obviously you do want to move the database (postgres) data.