Iterators combine to a tree of iterators, but dynamic iterators combine to a network of interacting entities.
Dynamic iterators subtype <:DynamicIterator
. They extend the iteration protocol and define
dyniterate(iter, somemessage(state))
dyniterate(iter, othermessage(state), arg)
where message wraps a state or other relevant information. For example the definition
struct Start{T} <: Message
dyniterate(iter, Start(value))
communicates that iter
should start at value
(if this is implemented).
This is similar to iterate(iter)
communicating that iter
should start at a predefined
value. In fact a fallback
dyniterate(iter, ::Nothing) = iterate(iter)
is in place.
Some messages make the iterator accept a third argument.
A simple example using bind
to bind an iterator to an iterator using the three-argument form of dyniterate
using DynamicIterators
import DynamicIterators: dyniterate
struct Summed <: DynamicIterator
function dyniterate(::Summed, ::Nothing, y)
y, y
function dyniterate(::Summed, i, y)
i + y, i + y
@show collect(bind(1:5, Summed()))
A more in-depth example showing the power of the approach is, showing how to extend the iterator protocol to allow resource management (e.g. closing of files of child iterators) at the end of iteration of the parent.
A preliminary list of supported messages:
Message (and third argument) | Meaning |
state or State(state) |
ordinary iteration |
Start(noting) |
start the iterator at its default |
Start(x) |
start the iterate from the state corresponding to value x |
Value(x, state) |
continue to iterate from the state corresponding to iterate x |
NextKey(state, nextkey) |
advance an iterator over pairs of key=>values to nextkey |
Steps(state, n) |
advance the iterator n steps or possibly rewind if n negative |
Control(state), control |
control term as in the Kalman filter provided as third argument to dyniterate⋆ |
Sample(state[,rng]) |
sample from iterates⋆ |
NextKeys(state), key |
advance iterator to the keys provided as third argument to dyniterate⋆ |
⋆persistent messages: dyniterate
returns a state again wrapped by the message
Typically, the state of an iterator is opaque. But for some iterators the iterates are the states:
julia> value, state = iterate('A':'Z')
('A', 'A')
julia> value, state = iterate('A':'Z', 'X')
('Y', 'Y')
This means that the states/iterates of an iterator can be modified in a transparent way. This allows iterators not only to depend on each other, but to interact.
embeds a constrained iterator protocol for
iterators subtyping <:Evolution
, which define
evolve(iterator, x) -> y
dub(x) = x === nothing ? nothing : (x,x)
iterate(iterator::Evolution, x) = dub(evolve(iterator, x))
which guarantees value == state
and introduces a powerful set of combinators
for such iterators.
As a simple example take a Metropolis-Hastings chain
It can be described as a simple Evolution.
function evolve(MH::MetropolisHastings, (t,x)::Pair)
P = MH.P
Q = MH.proposal(x)
xᵒ = rand(Q)
Qᵒ = MH.proposal(xᵒ)
if log(rand(MH.rng)) < MH.logpdf(P, xᵒ) - MH.logpdf(P, x) + MH.logpdf(Qᵒ, x) - MH.logpdf(Q, xᵒ)
x = xᵒ
(t+1 => x)
The following example shows that the Mixture
iterator combinator can be used to combine two Metropolis-Hastings chains into a component wise MetropolisHastings sampler:
using DynamicIterators
using Distributions
D = MvNormal([1.0, 0.5], [1.0 0.5; 0.5 1.5] )
struct Move{T}
m1(x) = Move(x, 0.1, 1)
m2(x) = Move(x, 0.1, 2)
Base.rand(M::Move) = M.x + M.σ*randn()*[M.i-1, 2-M.i]
Distributions.logpdf(M::Move, x) = logpdf(Normal(M.x[M.i], M.σ), x[M.i])
MH1 = MetropolisHastings(D, m1, logpdf)
MH2 = MetropolisHastings(D, m2, logpdf)
I = Evolve(i->rand(1:2))
MH = mixture(I, (MH1, MH2))
X = values(trace(MH, 1=>(1, [0.0, 0.0]), endtime(2000)))
evolve(E, (i, x)::Pair) = i + 1 => evolve(E, x)
constitutes a "lifting" of discrete time. This corresponds to enumerating the iterates of an evolution x = f(x)
as (1 => x1, 2 => x2, ...)
control keywords treat Pair
s as pair of key and value in concordance with the package Trajectories
and somewhat in line with Julia's general convention.
To illustrates the range of this I have picked some examples of very diverse nature.