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I keep getting an error about details version

Henric Andersson edited this page Jan 5, 2019 · 1 revision

If the web interface of photoframe complains about /details/version when loading, then you might have gotten your git repository into an odd state. Right now, photoframe won't fix it, but you can 😃


This is fairly complicated and following steps will ERASE any custom changes you might have made to the code base (if you fixed an issue or tweaked a behavior not normally configurable). If you don't know what SSH is, then you're probably better off reinstalling.

Fixing the photoframe

First, you need to have shell access, meaning you should use SSH (windows users, use PuTTY) to connect to your frame. Once connected, it will ask for username and password. Since this is the default raspbian setup, use pi and raspberry to login.

First, let's be root with super powers

sudo su

Stop the frame

service frame stop

Next, go to the photoframe folder (located in root's home directory)

cd ~/photoframe

Clear out the faulty git setup

rm -rf .git

Reinitialize git

git init

Add the remote server

git remote add origin

Update so we know remote status

git fetch

Link it

git branch --track master origin/master

Make sure we're all up-to-date

git reset --hard HEAD

At this point, you should have a fully restored and functional git link and also the latest released codebase. To confirm this, run

git status

It should return the following

On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
nothing to commit, working directory clean

If it does not, you might have missed a step, and since all steps depend on each other to some degree, you might be better off starting from the top again to avoid odd behaviors

Most likely, you succeeded, at which point all you need to do is start the photoframe again

service frame start

And done! Press CTRL-D twice without entering any commands and you will be logged out and disconnected.