A slimmed-down version of AdaFruit_GFX and FastLED combined together to make a simple to use graphics library that supports 24bpp colour.
The root/core graphics primitive functions extracted from the Adafruit GFX Library. Originally created by [Jean-Marc Zingg] (https://github.com/ZinggJM/GFX_Root).
This library is designed to be a drop-in replacement for AdaFruit_GFX and FastLED when using the ESP32-HUB75-MatrixPanel-DMA library
Simply compile the ESP32-HUB75-MatrixPanel-DMA library with the compile-time flag USE_GFX_LITE
to enable this.
FastLED and AdaFruit GFX include a lot of code for specific hardware platforms given their use as libraries to control displays or long strings of LEDs. But as a result, there’s a lot of ‘bloat' and compile time warnings. In certain cases these libraries fail to compile at all (i.e. FastLED on the ESP32S3).
This merged library takes all the drawing functions and strips out the hardware specific junk, so you are free to implement this library on whatever device you want.
This merged library includes all the draw routines from AdaFruit GFX and additionally enables the use of these with FastLED's CRGB (24bpp) colour struct.
The overall code size is a lot smaller.
The library includes the ability to write to off-screen memory based CRGB buffers. You create the layers, and pass a callback function which is of the format (int16_t x, int16_t y, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b)
to the layer. In this example it's called 'mbi_set_pixel.
Then when you've applied all the relevant FastLED colour functions over the layer, or portions of the layer, you call gfx_layer.display()
to write the pixels to the output hardware via the callback.
In addition there's a 'LayerCompositor' which is essentially a class that takes two layers and composites them together and sends the output direct to the hardware via the callback.
// Setup Global GFX_Layer object
GFX_Layer gfx_layer_bg(PANEL_PHY_RES_X, PANEL_PHY_RES_Y, mbi_set_pixel); // background
GFX_Layer gfx_layer_fg(PANEL_PHY_RES_X, PANEL_PHY_RES_Y, mbi_set_pixel); // foreground
// Create the compositor class
GFX_LayerCompositor gfx_compositor(mbi_set_pixel);
// Draw stuff to the 'foreground layer'
gfx_layer_fg.drawCentreText("COOOL!", MIDDLE, &FreeSansBold9pt7b, CRGB(254,254,254));
gfx_layer_fg.autoCenterX(); // because I don't trust AdaFruit to perfectly place the contents in the middle
// Draw a red background to the background layer
// Blend them together 50%. This will also send to the output via the callback, immediately
gfx_compositor.Blend(gfx_layer_bg, gfx_layer_fg, 127); // this will send to panel output as well.
A layer will use 3 bytes of memory for every pixel, so don't get carried away!