This image is a drop replacement of the official Ghost image.
The main motivation is to leverage the multistage builds available since docker 17.09 CE and cut the fat. The benefit is huge as the image size (uncompressed) is 184MB versus 584MB for the official Ghost image. This is more than 3 times lighter!
It’s good to know that the official ghost image is not using multistage builds because Docker Enterprise is not supporting this function yet.
The image is well tested by Marco Mornati and Pascal Andy. You can compare the Ghost's version of this project and the version release by the Ghost foundation.
git clone
cd docker-ghostblog
docker build -t mmornati/docker-ghostblog .
docker pull mmornati/docker-ghostblog
docker run -d -p 80:2368 mmornati/docker-ghostblog
docker run -d -p 80:2368 -e [ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES] -v <override-dir>:/var/lib/ghost/content mmornati/docker-ghostblog
Environment variables are used to personalize your Ghost Blog configuration. Could be:
- WEB_URL: the URL used to expose your blog (default:
A complete running command line could be:
docker run -d -p 2368:2368 -e WEB_URL= -v /opt/data:/var/lib/ghost/content mmornati/docker-ghostblog
If you want to customize your Ghost using, for example, a mail server, adding plugins and configure them, ... you can provide a complete configuration file which is being used instead of the internal one. To do this a new volume is available: /var/lib/ghost/config.override.json
This means you can override the configuration with a command like the following one:
docker run -d -p 2368:2368 -e WEB_URL= -v /opt/data:/var/lib/ghost/content -v /opt/myconfiguration.json:/var/lib/ghost/config.override.json mmornati/docker-ghostblog
If you want to configure TimeZone for the logging you can use the TZ environment variable with the timezone you need. For example:
docker run -p 2368:2368 -e TZ=America/Los_Angeles -e WEB_URL=http://localhost:2368 mmornati/docker-ghostblog date
Wed Nov 15 12:57:23 PST 2017
If you were using this container with previous version, since the 1.16.2 we aligned the folders used inside the Docker to the ones used by the Ghost official image, you maybe need to change your data mount point.
Before you had:
... -v /opt/data:/ghost-override
and you should have, in your /opt/data folder, a subfolder named content.
Starting from this version your mount point should change to:
... -v /opt/data/content:/var/lib/ghost/content
To be complete the official image aligned, even the user used to run the ghost service changed from ghost to node. This means if you had a previous installation of this docker, you should change the ownership of files in your folder or docker volume:
chown -R 1000:1000 /opt/data/content
The ID 1000 is the one created into the node image for the user node. Normally the owner before this operation should be 1276 which is the one assigned to the ghost user.
NB: Change the /opt/data/content with the path of your data folder.