rcqm [options]
-f, --files=FILES List of specific files to analyze (separate with ',')
-e, --exclude=FILES Exclude files from analysis (separate with ',')
-m, --metrics=METRICS List of metrics to evaluate (separate with ',')
-t, --tags=TAGS List of tags to evaluate (separate with ',')
-s, --statistics=STATISTICS List of statistics to evaluate (separate with ',')
-c, --config=CONFIG_FILE Upload your own rubocop configuration file
-q, --quiet Disable result display
-n, --no_report Disable reporting
-d, --dev Developer mode
-j, --jenkins Disable font cosmetics
- coverage
- coding_style
- statistics
- tags
- complexity
- documentation
- all
'app', 'bin', 'feature', 'lib', 'spec' and 'test' directories
You can specify other tags with '-t' option
You can specify which statistics to evaluate with '-s' option
List of statistics available
- total: Total lines
- empty: Empty lines
- comments: Commented lines
- locs: Lines of code
- modules: Number of modules ('module' tag tracking)
- classes: Number of classes ('class' tag tracking)
- methods: Methods ('def' tag tracking)
- requires: Requires ('require' tag tracking)
- all : All previous statistics
Based on [inch] (https://github.com/rrrene/inch) gem
- A: Seems really good
- B: Properly documented
- C: Needs work
- U: Undocumented
- Based on [rubocop] (https://github.com/bbatsov/rubocop) gem
- Configuration file in config/.rubocop.yml
- You can include your own rubocop configuration with '-c path/config/file' option
Based on [flog] (https://github.com/seattlerb/flog)
- Code Coverage
- Dead Code
- Duplication
- Results of each analysis are stored in a json file ('tags.json', 'statistics.json', ...) in 'reports' directory
- You can disable it with '-n' option
- [inch] (https://github.com/rrrene/inch)
- rubocop
- [flog] (https://github.com/seattlerb/flog)