ServiceNow Script Include library for signing and submitting AWS requests
Put each of the four .js files into a Script Include with same name as the file itself (without the .js extension.) The Script Includes are:
- SnowLib.AWS.Requester.Request
- SnowLib.AWS.Requester.Signer
- SnowLib
- jsSHA
Establish the following system properties:
- (for example, "us-east-1")
The library is useless by itself. You must build your own includes that extend Request to a particular AWS service, such as SNS or another service. For example, the following class would do the SNS CreatePlatformEndpoint request:
var AcmeAwsSnsCreatePlatformEndpoint = function(reqParams, propGetter) {
propGetter = propGetter || gs;
var awsr = new SnowLib.AWS.Requester.Request({
service : 'sns',
query : {
'Action' : 'CreatePlatformEndpoint',
'Token' : reqParams.token,
'PlatformApplicationArn' :
propGetter.getProperty('' + reqParams.platform)
headers : {
'Host' : propGetter.getProperty('')
}, propGetter);
this.execute = awsr.execute;
To use the above class, you would have to set up system properties:
- (for example, "")
- (for example, "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:730817742113:app/GCM/com.acme")
- (for example, "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:730817742113:app/APNS/com.acme")
Then, you could do the following in a Business Rule or other server-side code:
var req = new AcmeAwsSnsCreatePlatformEndpoint({
token : someStringWithSnsDeviceToken,
platform : someStringIdentifyingIosOrAndroidPlatform
var resp = req.execute();
var endpointArn = resp.body.CreatePlatformEndpointResult.EndpointArn;
var statusCode = resp.statusCode;
var bodyRaw = resp.bodyRaw;