MeCoGUI is a minimalistic Graphic User Interface (GUI) for the modeling and simulation of P-Lingua models using pLinguaCore. MeCoGUI provides controls to parse, simulate and export P system specifications.
To run MeCoGUI, download the file jar/MeCoGUI.jar. Then, type in a command prompt console:
java -jar MeCoGUI.jar
After this, the following interface must appear:
To load a P-Lingua model, click on File>Load Model and select the P-Lingua specification to simulate.
Then, click on File>Load Data and select the parameters of the model in .CSV format.
The parameters file must contain a steps_per_cycle parameter indicating how many steps compose a simulation cycle.
Optionally, a report file with simulation statistics can also be generated clicking on File>Set Report. Thsi file will be generated during the simulations.
The routes of the selected files will appear in MeCoGUI.
Once the Model and Data file routes have been set, the P system can be parsed clicking on Initialize.
If the parsing process produced no errors, the parsed model should appear on the Info console tab. Otherwise, errors will appear on the Error console tab. Likewise, any warnings will appear on the Warning console tab.
All consoles can be cleared by clicking on the Clear consoles button.
By default, MeCoGUI selects the default simulator for the model indicated by pLinguaCore. A different simulation can be selected by clicking on the Simulators button.
Also, a machine-readable specification of the P system can be generated. This is intended for external simulators not integrated in pLinguaCore. For this, click Output formats and select the desired format for the specification.
To simulate the system using the selected pLinguaCore simulator, use the following buttons:
- Take step runs a single simulation step.
- Simulate runs as many simulation cycles as indicated in the field Number of cycles. Each simulation cycle consists of as many steps as indicated in the field Steps per cycle.
- Simulate all runs as many simulations as indicated in the field Number of simulations. Each simulation consists of as many simulation cycles as indicated in the field Number of cycles.
During simulation, the current and previous configurations of the system are displayed in the Info console tab.
During simulation or when the simulation is finished, the simulation results can be saved in CSV format on the selected file clicking on File>Save Results.
The button Translate results will enable processing of simulation result files in future releases. It is currently in alpha version.
This software is available under the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 3.0.