super simple server to mock api responses to assist in front end development
npm install --save-dev lukejgaskell/mockserver
files under the mockFolder will respond as the rest endpoints
files should be titled in this format: myEndpoint.get.json
, myEndpoint.put.json
... etc
the file should be an object with the fields body
, status
, headers
(any other format of this file will just return the full file as the body)
"status": 200 // defaults to 200 if not specified
"headers": { // empty if not specified
"key": "value"
"body": { // null if not specified (no body)
"key": "value"
you can also pass a configuration object to the method to override properties (defaults to values shown)
config = {
"port": 3000,
"mockFolder": "./mock_data",
"apiPath": "/api",
"distFolder": "./dist",
"spa": false,
"spaFile": distFolder + "/" + index.html
update package.json scripts
"scripts" {
"mockserver": "node -e "require('mockserver')(config);"
npm run mockserver
- The mock_data you create is convention based structure to simulate the rest api
- Treat the rest endpoint like a directory structure in the mock_data
- For example with the above configuration the endpoint GET /api/myData would be
- myData.get.json
or POST /api/users/1/activity would be
- users
- 1