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New command line interface based on Python Rich library.


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Argsense CLI

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DISCLAIMER: This document is mainly generated by Google Cloud Translation Service. I have proofread the text and polished some of the content. Sorry if there are any incorrect grammar or descriptions.

Argsense is a command line interface for python programmer.

It is simpler than argparse, click, typer, mush similar to yapx.





Quick glance at the code comparison:

  • Using argparse:

    from argparse import ArgumentParser
    def hello(name: str = 'world'):
        print(f'hello {name}')
    parser = ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('--name', default='world')
    parsed_args = parser.parse_args()
  • Using argsense:

    from argsense import cli
    def hello(name: str = 'world'):
        print(f'hello {name}')

    and it prints more beautiful help interface:



Support Python 3.8 and above:

pip install argsense

The latest version is 0.6.0+.

Quick Start

Note: some code examples use randomly generated words that have no actual meaning, they are only used to help you understand the overall code structure.

Decorate a function

from argsense import cli

def main(foo, bar):

if __name__ == '__main__':



  • Import the argsense module: from argsense import cli.
  • Use @cli.cmd() to decorate the target function.
  • Run<entrance_func>).

Decorate multiple functions

from argsense import cli

def func1(foo, bar):
def func2(foo, bar):

if __name__ == '__main__':



  • Decorate each function with @cli.cmd().
  • Run instead of<entrance_func>) so that we can pass in the specific function name in the command line.
  • python -h displays the help for all functions; python <func> -h displays the help for a specific function.

Help interface documentation

argsense parses the docstring of a function and extracts function description, parameter description and other information from it.

from argsense import cli

def main(foo, bar):
    raise face talk traditional whom population character.
    air surface affect or audience put professional.
        foo: line bill network road alone customer case.
        bar: avoid pass specific so president though. 
            everyone my red behavior sea.
    so job able far heart fund weight. family later energy -
    community beautiful other tv.
    reference links:

if __name__ == '__main__':



  • The first few lines of text will be used as function description. When other fields appear in a line, the subsequent text will not be used as function description.
  • Parameter descriptions start with the "param:" field, the field name is case in-sensitive.

Optional parameters

from argsense import cli

def main(aaa, bbb, ccc=123, ddd='good', eee=True):
        aaa: allow evening fire cup next commercial.
        bbb: develop ask decision. once start impact himself.
        ccc: prepare really there fire support outside.
            race chair statement citizen society power look husband.
                - ever
                - above
                - upon
        ddd (-d): wall him suddenly bag however white.
        eee (-e): 
            challenge alone without development. customer catch fund -
            hair task buy.

if __name__ == '__main__':



  • A red asterisk will be displayed on the left of the required parameter, indicating that this parameter must be given.

  • ddd (-d): ... will be recognized as: user can use both --ddd and -d to pass this parameters.

  • If the type of an argument is not specified, argsense will try to infer the type from its default value.

    Please note that only primitive types are supported, others will be treated as "any" types.

  • On the right, the default values of the optional parameters are shown.

Type of parameter

argsense uses type annotations to determine the type of the parameter; if there is no type annotation, it will try to infer from its default value; if none, it will be treated as "any" type.

When passing parameters, users do not need to consider type conversion. For example, when user gives true, if the parameter type is str, it will be translated to a string of "true" ; if it is bool, it will be translated to True .

Please note that passing wrong types will result in an error. That is, we cannot pass a string like "abcd..." to an int type parameter.

*args and **kwargs

argsense supports *args and **kwargs parameter passing, and its usage is intuitive. Look the following example:

from argsense import cli

def main(aaa, *bbb, ccc=123, **ddd) -> None:
    print(f'{aaa=}, {bbb=}, {ccc=}, {ddd=}')

if __name__ == '__main__':


Passing special values

argsense supports converting the following values to specific Python values:

User inputs Recognized as
:true True
:false False
:none None
:empty '' (empty string)

Passing boolean values

The usage of boolean values (:true :false) is rather special. Please refer to the following examples for understanding:

from argsense import cli

def main(foo: bool, bar: bool):
        foo (-f):
        bar (-b):

if __name__ == '__main__':

To pass true, the following are equivalent:

python :true :true
python --foo --bar
python -f -b

They will be parsed as main(foo=True, bar=True) .

Note that you cannot write python --foo :true --bar :true , because --foo itself already means foo=True . This is argsense 's special understanding of boolean values.

To represent false, the following are equivalent:

python :false :false
python --no-foo --no-bar
python -F -B

This will be parsed as main(foo=False, bar=False) .

Note the -F syntax. We require that the abbreviation in foo (-f) must be lowercase (otherwise argsense will report parsing error), so there is no mixing of uppercase and lowercase in the comment document. Uppercase is used specifically to indicate "non".

Disadvantage: Due to the above design, argsense cannot handle some special parameter names. For example, def main(no_alpha: bool) will cause --no-alpha to not be parsed correctly and will raise an error.

Hidden Parameters


In-Depth Reading

The format of function's docstring

  • There is no need for blank lines between multiple lines. If there are blank lines, they will be retained as is. Multiple consecutive blank lines will also be rendered as consecutive blank lines.

  • If a single line of text is too long, it can be represented by a line ends with "-":

    from argsense import cli
    def main(foo, bar):
        training speak stay try me. nothing generation side trial. seven rate -
        worry not word family.
        lay prepare anything piece method now work interesting. where mission move -
        impact future. daughter remember leave. red read message talk hand.
        similar bed capital public. former east later form people lawyer. -
        operation true similar lose receive compare how film.
        service cold choice model finish. send ask star without huge evening.
        next black there production space treat must often. purpose course -
        actually whatever grow. take perform our billion receive food law.
        result focus property yard let both. baby mind work style.
    if __name__ == '__main__':



  • Parameter annotations must start with the "params:" field.

  • The format of parameter annotation is:

    <param_name> (<short_name>): <first_line_of_description>
    • param_name must be a parameter that appears in the function. If there is a non-existent parameter and nor **kwargs in the function signature, an error will be raised.

    • short_name must start with a hyphen, followed by a lowercase letter and zero or more digits, for example:

      # correct
      # incorrect
    • first_line_of_description is optional, if the comment text is shorter, it can be written here.

      If you leave this field blank, you can also write it in more_description_lines:

      def foo(...):
              aaa: degree serve across recently. 
                  least support seem success word.


      Please note that if the text is long and first_line_of_description space is not enough, please write it in more_description_lines instead:

      def foo(...):
              aaa: degree serve across recently. 
                  least support seem success word.
                  scientist do war statement pay or reflect. fill -
                  get skill scene medical. side generation energy -
                  but popular. ago war act nice down.

Supported parameter types

argsense supports a limited number of types. If an unsupported type is encountered, it is treated as "any".

The supported types are as follows:

  • bool
  • float
  • int
  • str

In addition, they can be wrapped with typing.Optional[...], as shown in the following example:

import typing as t
from argsense import cli

def main(
    aaa: bool,
    bbb: float,
    ccc: int,
    ddd: str,
    eee: bool = None,
    fff: float = None,
    ggg: int = None,
    hhh: str = None,
    iii: t.Optional[bool] = None,
    jjj: t.Optional[float] = None,
    kkk: t.Optional[int] = 123,
    lll: t.Optional[str] = None,

if __name__ == '__main__':



Boolean values are treated as FLAG and their usage is rather special. Taking the above code as an example, the following usage is equivalent:

python :true
python --aaa

It will be parsed as main(aaa=True).

Note that --aaa :true is incorrect. It will be parsed as main(aaa=True, bbb=True).

To represent false, the following are equivalent:

python :false
python --no-aaa

It will be parsed as main(aaa=False).

int, float

Both int and float are treated as NUMBER .

argsense has a flexible way of handling NUMBER types. You can pass a number or other number formats that conform to Python rules, such as binary "0b1010", "0b1100_0011" and hexadecimal "0xAF2C", "0xFF36_A2B2", etc.

They will all be parsed into corresponding int/float values.





What will be if we pass a wrong type?


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are the advantages of ArgSense, compared to ArgParse, Click, Fire, Typer and other libraries?


Q: How to pass a complex type parameter?


Q: When there are too many functions, I want to group them. How can I do it?


Q: Why is ArgSense not designed to follow traditional command line usage?
