Travel in Stockholm with your Android phone.
STHLM Traveling helps you plan your journeys using data from Stockholm Public Transport (SL, Stockholms Lokaltrafik).
Vote for features at
More about this project at or follow me on twitter where I announce new versions.
Some screen shots can be found at Flickr.
The app is powered by a backend service written i Java and hosted at Google app engine. Unfortunately that application is not open source since it's using closed API's that is provided by SL.
- App icon, concepts & ideas Olof Brickarp
- Icons by Fredrik Broman
- Patches by Morgan Christiansson, Screen Interaction AB
- Feedback, suggestions & test by Swedroid users
- Also great thanks to my Twitter and Flickr followers for their suggestions and feedback
If you want to contribute to this project just send me a email, tweet or just fork the app. I will do my best help you out if you have any problems.
Please follow the Code Style Guidelines for Contributors for Android except for line length that should be kept to 80 colums where possible.
To be able to run the tests from Eclipse follow these instructions. Assumes that you already have STHLM Traveling setup as a project and deployed.
- Create a new Android Project.
- Choose create project from existing source. Choose tests/src as project root.
- Under project properties and Java Build Path choose Projects and add a dependency to STHLM Traveling.
- If necessary run Fix Project Properties under Android Tools.
- Now you should be able to run the tests. Choose Run As Android JUnit Test.
To run the tests from a terminal: Note, you must have both the application and the tests application deployed before.
adb shell am instrument -w com.markupartist.sthlmtraveling.tests/android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner
- 2.3.10
- Adapted deviation to new API.
- Adapted traffic status to new API.
- Fixed loading indicator in deviation.
- Fixed some translations.
- 2.3.9
- Adapted departures to new API.
- Time displayed for departures now comes directly from SL which should give more accurate times.
- Removed red indicator in departures for "now" because it did not work.
- 2.3.8
- Renamed transport types for TRAIN and TRAM to work with the new API.
- 2.3.7
- New API for sites and journey planner.
- Initial support for intermediate stops (not available yet).
- Restyled tabs on the front activities.
- 2.3.6
- Removed ads
- 2.3.5
- Added ads
- 2.3.4
- New SMS prices
- Fixed issue with SMS now showing
- Enabled nearby sites as an experimental function, available through a shortcut.
- 2.3.3
- Fixed bug with alternative stops not being accepted even if it was checked.
- 2.3.2
- Fixed crash in Deviations that could occurr during network problems.
- Possible fix for not finding any routes.
- Excluded sites with geo data for the via field.
- Fixed problem with via site history being mixed with the departure site history.
- Fixed crash in favorites that occured when favoriting a journey with no transports.
- 2.3.1
- Fixed crash related to migration of favorites to the new format.
- 2.3.0
- New journey provider that holds starred journey, including traffic modes and other search criterias. This replaces the favorites database.
- Added support for via to the journey planner.
- Added possibility to search for different transport modes and alternative stops.
- Added a action bar.
- Updated icons.
- Added journey history, visible below the journey planner.
- Changed target sdk version to 10 (2.3.3) and min sdk version to 4 (1.6).
- Moved files from the assets directory (that shouldn't be there) into the extras directory.
- 2.2.2
- Last selected transport mode for a specific site is now automatically selected for Departures.
- 2.2.1
- Fixed bug that crashed the app when changing transport type in the departure activity before the data was loaded.
- 2.2.0
- New departures view. Departures are now grouped by transport type.
- Departures for metros are pulled from a separate api and should now be based on realtime data.
- If the departure time is not based on realtime data it's now displayed as the time for departure instead of eg. "2 min" in the departure view.
- Fixed bug when "Now" was not respected in the journey planner.
- Added traffic line to the traffic status view.
- The detailed journey view now displays the correct time in the header.
- UI tweaks.
- 2.1.0
- Changed to use json instead of xml for getting site data from the backend.
- Mapped the bus icon for närtrafiken.
- Added Flurry Analytics v1.24. We need analytics to be able to improve the application and know how users use it.
- Using default Theme in preferences because issue with Sony Ericsson devices.
- Date of Trip added to the detailed view.
- New arrows and clock icons in the journey planner by Sara Smedman.
- Spanish translation by Fredrik Jönsson.
- SMS tickets is back, now with price and extra information. Patch by Adam Nybäck.
- Increased text sizes and margins.
- Invalid encoding for origin and destination name in the detailed result, closes #25.
- Replaced the token MY_LOCATION with a localized string in the detailed result, closes #35.
- Target sdk version is now 8 (2.2) min sdk version is still 3 (1.5).
- Possibility to change install location (Install on SD card), closes #34.
- Make sure tasks are canceled when user leaves the RoutesActivity, closes #27.
- Fixed bug when restoring GetEarlierRoutesTask, closes #17.
- Fixed issue with MY_LOCATION being added to the text input when selecting an item from the history, thanks droidgren. Closes #25
- Improved error handling when the DeparturesActivity got restored after an orientation change. This closes #16 and as a side effect is also closes #11.
- 2.0.0
- Search history is visible in the "get" dialog direct
- Address search integrated in auto completion
- Reworked history to allow storage of latitude and longitude
- Various layout fixes
- New traffic status view
- Fixed my location bug
- Complete rewrite of the journey planner, new backend etc
- Various icons has been replaced creds to Olof Brickarp
- Changed to use SL standard icons for transports (with their permission)
- Switched to use the light theme
- 1.8.1
- Reverted version of 1.8.0, just upped version to be able to release it
- 1.8.0
- Reworked detailed view
- Added buy sms-ticket from the detailed view
- Added possibility to show stop on a map from the detailed view
- New marker for text on the map view
- The hardware search button will bring up the planner view
- Various layout fixes
- 1.7.7
- Added possibility to share deviations
- Added possibility to share routes
- Search improvements, if the start or end point matches a name in the list of suggestions re-query direct instead of showing the suggestions for the end user
- Fixed NullPointerException that occurred when searching and the communication failed, closes #10.
- 1.7.6
- Fixed issue with changing locale on Android 2.0.x, closes #9
- Added double tap to zoom on map
- Removed center to geo point when clicking on the map
- 1.7.5
- Fixed bug related to alternatives when one stop had an location
- 1.7.4
- Wrong map key
- 1.7.3
- Added site suggestions if a routes was not found because mixed up some sites, or if the user misspelled the site name. Resolves #3
- Bug fix for networks problems in the RoutesActivity
- Various clean up
- Removed QR code, need to rework that part a bit
- 1.7.2
- New app icon by Olof Brickarp
- Improvements for hdpi screens
- Bug fix for network problem that occurred when switching between different networks.
- Bug fix for maps, that caused the my location indicator to not show up direct
- 1.5.2
- Bug fix for transports without line numbers
- Bug fix for line numbers, now Bus 123A will be parsed correct
- Bug fix when my location sources is turned of in system settings
- Added transport for the airport coach
- 1.5.1
- Added line numbers in the routes view
- Added a crash reporter
- Added icon for boat
- 1.5.0
- Added departures
- Changed to use the Apache http client
- 1.4.2
- Added support for setting arrival time
- 1.4.1
- Added fallback on point on map when failed to determine "My location"
- 1.4.0
- Point on map
- Improved My location, now passing the real position to
- Added support for lat and lng to favorites
- Added retry button to the network problem dialog
- Fixed bug with screen rotation when performing background jobs
- Added support for named shortcuts
- 1.3.6
- Fix for barcode generator
- 1.3.5
- New app icon by Olof Brickarp
- Choose departure time from the planner
- Shortcuts for routes
- Share search via QR-code
- Public intent for searching routes, other apps can now trigger a search for routes. See RoutesActivity for documentation
- Reverse search from the routes list
- Show alert if we having problems with the network, closes issue #6
- Added start and end point to routes list
- Moved actually searching to RoutesActivity
- Moved planner code to own package
- Replaced handlers with AsyncTask, now located in the tasks package
- Fixed bug with menu for search did not launch the tabbed StartActivity, patch by Morgan Christiansson
- Moved all hard coded strings to strings.xml
- 1.3.0
- Favorite routes
- History for start and end point
- Fixed force close when location is not available, closes issue #4
- Compiling against 1.6
- Tested for QVGA screens
- Improved ui with icons from FatCow
- Refactored search routes to a AsyncTask
- Renamed SearchActivity to PlannerActivity, patch by Morgan Christiansson
- 1.2.2
- Added Saltsjöbanan as an transport, closes issue #2
- 1.2.1
- Added support for icons in routes list. Icons by Fredrik Broman
- Replaced earlier/later routes text with arrows, as suggested by fohlin
- Added setup for unit tests and some tests
- Fixed issue with "My Location" returning null instead of city sometimes
- 1.2.0
- Added support for searching for earlier and later routes in the routes view
- Added support for changing the department time
- 1.1.0
- Improved the ux by doing searches in the current activity
- Added ApiSettings that holds the api endpoint
- Introduced Planner groups all journey planning functionality
- Renamed *Finder to *Parser and moved all http queries to Planner
- Suffixed all activities to *Activity
- Renamed SimpleStopAdapter to AutoCompleteStopAdapter
- Added dialog if no routes was found and a hint of why this occurred
- 1.0.0
- Released on Android Market
- Added about dialog
- 0.2
- Added search based on the current postion
- Fixed problems around finding stops, some searches did not return the expected values
- Made the search button bigger
- 0.1
- Initial release
STHLM Traveling is open source and licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0.
- Transport icons is copyright Storstockholms Lokaltrafik and used with their permission.
- Icons by Olof Brickarp is copyright Olof Brickarp
- Icons by Fredrik Broman is licensed under CC Attribution 3.0
- SectionedAdapter released under GNU General Public License