- /public/quiz-test.html
- /public/frontend_css/styles and mobile_styles.css
- /public/frontend_js/quiz-test.js
- /models/
- /controllers/admin/
- /views/admin
- /views/partials/admin/nav.eta
Admin login
email: [email protected]
password: a123456
View the quiz on localhost:3001/quiz-test.html
Video Demo https://www.loom.com/share/cb8be1cf3fad45bc8f2ecaca4704e367
Response page of question What would you like to be called?.
Make the name appears centered inside of the jar gif.
You can change the html or the css to do this task.
Each response page should be closed after a set amount of time
The setTimeout of the response page of previous quiz is not working
Figure out where this is handled and make a setTimeout to close the response and move on to the next question using the time stored in variable called "closeResponseTimeoutCounter"
We have multiple types of questions type 7 being "multiple select"
You are required to find where it is handled
Then make the button of each option call checkAllergie function that you will be implementing in the next quiz
Then add an option at the end of all options that says None of the above and onclick it should call this function handleNoneOfTheAbove()
implement a function that is called checkAllergie()
pseudo steps of the function
- find a way to read the dataset values on the html button element that generated the click
- each button should have data-val that contains the label of the option
- check if that previous val is equal to one of these values ["Banana", "Olive", "Sunflowers"]
- if true -> terminate the quiz
- function terminateQuiz should do the following
- the termination process need to display a message to the user with a faded black background that has a message and a counter that when it reachs 0 it redirect to /
- ex:
- message and counter should be controlled from admin portal
- create a terminate configuration table with the appropriate fields
- create a tab in admin portal to edit these fields
- create an api to get these configuration and use it here to construct the termination screen